Jennifer Stayton

Higher Ed: What “Like” Means In Education

We know what it means to “like” something. But does that word carry extra meaning in education and learning? What does it mean when students say they “like” a class or fear a teacher doesn’t “like” them? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger explore perceptions and realities of “likes” in education. Whether or not students and teachers like a class or each other is actually a pretty complicated topic.  Students may “like” a class because they did well, but is that the best criteria for judging a class? What about teachers who bring in donuts on course evaluation day; should their goal be for students to “like” them and write a positive evaluation? In this era of “likes” on social media, Ed and Jennifer discuss what it really means – and should mean – to “like” something in the realm of education and learning. Check out the full episode to see if you like the latest puzzler about a “random walk.”

This episode was recorded Nov. 7, 2017.

Best of “Higher Ed:” When Is It Right To Transfer Schools

Note: This episode was originally released on September 17, 2017.

Sometimes, a relationship doesn’t feel like a good match. That feeling can crop up in personal relationships, as well as in our relationships with schools. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger answer a question from a listener curious about how to know when it is time to move on.

It might seem like a pretty simple question, but there are actually quite a few factors to contemplate. Ed and Jennifer discuss both the practical and emotional elements students and families should consider when making a decision about a transfer. And yes, it can be a little like deciding whether to stay with a boyfriend or girlfriend or break up. Listen to the full episode for their discussion and to hear the solution to a puzzler about those elusive matching pairs of socks. Hint: No socks mysteriously disappeared in a dryer!

This episode was recorded Aug. 10, 2017.

Higher Ed: The Great Homework Debate

There has been an ongoing debate in education about a staple of the school landscape: homework. Do students get too much? Too little? What role does – and should – homework play in education? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss all things homework. It has long been a complaint of students – and some parents, too – that too much homework is a problem and can throw a young student’s life out of balance. Ed and Jennifer discuss the history of homework; if Ed (as a teacher) thinks students have too much; and what he advocates as an alternative to homework at some levels of school. Listen to the full episode for more takes on the role of homework in education and to get the solution to last episode’s “Let’s Make A Deal” puzzler. And take note: the strategy in solving this puzzler has real world applications for making decisions and answering multiple-choice questions.

This episode was recorded Nov. 7, 2017.

Higher Ed: Competition In Education

“Whadya get?” That’s the question students often ask each other after graded exams or papers are handed back. Competition among students persists in education. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss if that kind of competition is ever productive or useful for learning. Competition in school is usually among students, but Ed and Jennifer discuss how students can set up a competition with themselves to try and improve their own individual learning and performance. They also discuss how to balance competition with being part of a community. Check out the full episode to hear Ed’s thoughts about whether competition is something that should be taught in school and to hear a throwback puzzler a la “Let’s Make  A Deal.”

This episode was recorded Nov. 7, 2017.

Higher Ed: Puzzler Solutions And Real World Applications

Puzzlers can be fun and challenging and can also help us think about some of life’s bigger questions beyond the puzzler. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger puzzle through solutions to some especially tough riddles. Ed and Jennifer spend some time in this episode revisiting the solution to a previous puzzler about why manhole covers are round. A listener has suggested other possible answers than the generally accepted one. A listener also submitted her own original puzzler and asked Ed to figure it out. Check out the full episode to hear what he comes up with and to hear how working through puzzlers can help us navigate some of life’s bigger issues.

This episode was recorded Nov. 7, 2017.

Higher Ed: Education’s Four-Letter Word

T-E-S-T. That word almost always strikes fear in the hearts of students. They’re worried about doing well, getting a high grade, and comparing their performance to that of their classmates. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger explore stressful test culture. Who hasn’t had a “horror” story experience of taking a test? Ed and Jennifer share some memorable ones and take a closer look at why testing is so stressful. One reason: we tie our own worthiness into our test performance. Ed talks about how to decouple ourselves from our performance and how to make meaning out of our work on a test no matter what the grade. Listen to the full episode to hear what words of encouragement Ed says you should never tell a test taker. You will also get the result to the tricky train puzzler. It sounds like an arithmetic challenge, but there may be more to it.

This episode was recorded Sept. 22, 2017.

Higher Ed: Who Knows Best When Choosing Classes

Our path through formal education is pretty prescribed through the early years.  But in middle school, high school, college and beyond, students have more latitude in choosing their own classes and course of study. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss who knows best when making those decisions about which classes to take: students? parents? teachers? When is the right time to hand the reins over to students to make those decisions completely on their own? Ed and Jennifer discuss the various factors that go into putting together a schedule of classes and when parents and teachers should start handing off that responsibility – even if they think the student’s about to make a big mistake! They also look at what factors should be considered when picking classes no matter who is choosing. Listen to the full episode and get the newest puzzler (this one is about Jennifer’s favorite mode of transportation – trains).

This episode was recorded Sept. 22, 2017.

Higher Ed: Learning From A Disrupted School Year

Hurricane Harvey hit the Texas coast on Aug. 25, 2017. Schools along the coast and in Houston were closed for weeks. When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico on Sept. 20, 2017, it was the strongest storm to make landfall there in over 80 years. Natural disasters cause devastating physical damage and disrupt life’s normal routines. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss how students, teachers, and schools can rebound when their school year is disrupted. Sometimes that disruption happens on a wide scale, such as a natural disaster. Sometimes a student’s or teacher’s school year is shaken by an illness or death in the family. Ed and Jennifer discuss how disruptions large and small can impact a school year; how the people who are impacted can cope; and what everyone involved can learn from the experience. You’ll also get the solution to last episode’s puzzler about moving across a checkerboard.

This episode was recorded Sept. 22, 2017

Higher Ed: What Keeps Alumni Coming Back To Their Alma Mater

Some alumni just love the schools they attended and cannot wait to go back for Homecoming and Reunion. Other alumni say “good riddance” as soon as they get their diploma and never want to hear from their schools again. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss what keeps alumni connected to their schools and how social media has impacted that relationship. Ed believes that many alumni come back to Homecoming and Reunion to be “re-nourished” in the way they were doing school. And since alumni can now keep up with each others’ lives and news so easily on social media,  they can connect with each other and the school at a deeper lever during those return visits. Listen on for more of Ed and Jennifer’s discussion about how schools support their alumni and how alumni support their schools. Plus, does Ed think alumni ever come back to Homecoming or Reunion just to “show off” a little? One thing Ed does think for sure is that the puzzlers as of late have gotten a little too easy! So in this episode, Ed introduces what may be the trickiest puzzler yet about pathways on a checkerboard.

This episode was recorded Sept. 22, 2017.

Higher Ed: What Constitutes A “Good” Education

In a recent episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger answered a listener’s question about how to know when it’s the right decision to transfer schools. In this episode, they take that discussion a step further to answer a related and important question: how can students know if they’re getting a “good” education? What does it even mean to describe an education as “good?” You can probably come up with some ways to objectively measure the quality of an education. Many of the teachers have advanced degrees from institutions with excellent reputations. The curriculum offers a wide variety of classes. Students graduate with promising job offers or acceptances to graduate schools. The school is highly ranked in national surveys.  But what does a “good” education really mean? Ed argues it should be measured using different parameters, many of which actually rest with students rather than faculty or institutions. Listen on for Ed and Jen’s discussion about indicators of the quality of an education, and whether that can even be determined while it’s in progress or only after the fact. You’ll also get the solution to the puzzler about who took a road trip to Southwestern University.

This episode was recorded Sept. 22, 2017.

Higher Ed: How Empathy Can Impact Learning

Empathy. Sympathy. We probably think we know what those words really mean, but in truth they are often confused or misunderstood. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger take a closer look at both and how they relate to learning. What do “sympathy” and “empathy” really mean? What is the difference between the two? And can they enhance (or hinder) learning? Ed and Jennifer try to answer those questions and lend a sympathetic (or is it empathetic?!) ear. Listen on for their discussion, and get ready for a road trip with the new puzzler.

This episode was recorded Aug. 10, 2017.

Higher Ed: Solo Learning vs. Group Projects

Sometimes school can feel like a really solitary endeavor. Writing papers and reading chapters are usually done solo. But teachers at all levels of formal education also assign group projects or presentations. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about the pros and cons of learning solo and of working with a group –  both in school and beyond. Ed acknowledges that yes, teachers are assigning more and more group projects these days than before.  He says he even will fashion some group assignments for his students to do. Ed and Jennifer discuss the good that can come out of having students work together (they actually have to talk to each other, right?!) as well as some of the pitfalls of team work (what do you do about the one person in the group who just won’t work as much as the rest of the team?). Listen on for their discussion and to get the the solution to last episode’s “classic” puzzler about why manhole covers are round.

This episode was recorded Aug. 10, 2017.

Higher Ed: Navigating a Math-y Career Pivot

A listener wrote in to “Higher Ed” about his decision to pursue a Ph.D. in pure mathematics after studying classical piano performance and working as a pianist. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss becoming a mathematician later in life and the joys and challenges of making a career shift. Focus, passion and commitment. Those are some of the qualities Ed says are necessary to successfully pull off a career pivot to mathematician – or to pursuing any new field. As a matter of fact, Ed says “talent is secondary to commitment” when making this kind of change. Preparing for a job interview for a new job? This week’s puzzler could help. It’s a “classic” that actually gets asked in some job interviews.

This episode was recorded Aug. 10, 2017.

Higher Ed: To Transfer or Not To Transfer

Sometimes, a relationship just doesn’t feel like a good match. You can’t put your finger on it, but it just feels like it’s time to move on. That feeling can crop up in personal relationships as well as in our relationships with schools. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger answer a question from a listener who wanted to know when is it the right decision – and when is it not – to transfer from one college to another. It might seem like a pretty simple question, but there are actually quite a few factors to weigh. Ed and Jennifer discuss both the practical and emotional elements students and families should consider when making a decision about a transfer. And yes – it can be a little like deciding whether to stay with a boyfriend or girlfriend or break up. They also reveal the solution to last week’s puzzler about those elusive matching pairs of socks. Hint: no socks mysteriously disappeared in a dryer!

This episode was recorded Aug. 10, 2017.

Higher Ed: Summer Mailbag and Back to School

Getting back into the swing of school is always an adjustment. Alarm clocks, long days and homework make the school year schedule fuller and more structured than summertime. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about some ways to get the school year off to a smooth start and get the most out of it. They also respond to some listener comments about “Higher Ed” that came in over the summer. What’s the best back to school advice you’ve ever gotten? What about the worst? Listen on to get some of the best and worst as well as Ed’s responses to some summer emails from “Higher Ed” listeners. It’s also time for the first new puzzler of the season. This one will knock your socks off!

This episode was recorded August 10, 2017.

Best of “Higher Ed:” Studying Abroad

This episode was originally published on April 23, 2017.

This episode addresses a question from a “Higher Ed” listener whose daughter is a sophomore in high school. The daughter has started attending college fairs and reading online about schools, and the family wants to know about the impact of studying abroad on a student’s education. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger dig into the topic of studying abroad. Ed and Jennifer talk about the pros and cons of spending part of college (or high school) outside the U.S. Ed says students can gain a lot experiencing a new culture and learning a new language. But do they lose anything spending time away from their academic home base? Listen on for their discussion and for the solution to the puzzler about about gas cans, gallons and some tricky pouring.

This episode was recorded on March 24, 2017.

Best of “Higher Ed:” Healthy Learning

This episode was originally published on April 9, 2017.

College students who work hard might tend to play hard, too. Caffeine … junk food … late nights … partying. College can be filled with temptations that keep students from leading healthy lives. We know those habits aren’t good for us, but why does school present so many temptations? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger discuss balancing work and learning with health during school (and beyond). You’ve probably been there: staying up all night, fueled by coffee and junk food, to finish a paper or cram for an exam. That’s what college is about, right? Ed says it actually doesn’t have to be that way. In this episode, he and Jennifer discuss some of the reasons behind the less-than-healthy habits we pick up in college and some strategies to avoid them in the first place. Listen on for their discussion and to indulge in a healthy habit: trying to solve the latest puzzler.

This episode was recorded on March 24, 2017.

Best of “Higher Ed:” ‘Social’ Media

This is might be a familiar scene to you: You’re walking down the street and see someone heading toward you, not looking up, face firmly transfixed on the small screen of a smartphone or tablet. What does all that time spent attending to devices do to our personal interactions, conversations and learning? In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger look at the personal and educational implications. Social media and digital technology are great in many ways. They connect us quickly and easily, and allow us to access information in seconds. But what does time spent communicating and learning that way do to our personal interactions? Ed and Jennifer discuss the possible impacts, as well as the role of education in helping us navigate and balance the availability of so much communication and information. Listen on for their conversation and for the answer to a puzzler about a row of radio hosts.

This episode was recorded on Jan. 19, 2017.

Best of “Higher Ed:” Breaking Down Tough Questions

We all face questions in life that seem just about impossible to answer. Maybe it’s a really tough question on a test. Or maybe it’s a challenging assignment at work. What can we do when the answer just won’t come to us? How about not answering the question? In this “Best of” episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger explore ways to break down seemingly impossible questions into manageable parts. So just to be clear, the advice here is not to ignore the question. But Ed advocates starting by breaking down a hard question into a simpler one in a parallel vein, or translating it into a known, easier question.  Ed and Jennifer discuss how this technique can be used in or outside of academic settings. Wondering if you should listen on to hear more? That’s a definite yes! You will also get the solution to a puzzler that poses some interesting questions; it assumes three = 1/2 of five!

This episode was recorded on November 22, 2016.

Best of “Higher Ed:” How I Learned to Love Calculus

Was there a subject in school that seemed so hard and unsatisfying to study that even to this day the thought of it makes you cringe? For many students, that subject was Math. And perhaps more specifically, Calculus. Maybe it was the confusing terminology or seemingly abstract concepts. Can Calculus ever redeem itself? Is it ever useful? In this “Best of” episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger give Calculus a second chance. In a previous episode, Ed promised Jennifer he could clearly explain Calculus in just a few easy steps. In this episode, Jennifer takes him up on that challenge. Can Ed make Calculus accessible and maybe even fun? Listen on to find out, and to hear the solution to a puzzler about the Road to Truth.

This episode was recorded on October 4, 2016.