David Brown

Texas Standard: May 2, 2018

From Dalhart to Dumas, San Antonio to San Angelo, Houston, Tyler, Marfa, College Station and all across the lone star nation no matter where you are, it’s Texas Standard time. Governor Abbott used to take delight in filing lawsuits against the Obama administration, so why’s Texas suing the Trump administration? You may be surprised by the answer. Also, the capitol city has a plan to mandate paid sick leave for businesses within city limits. That’s sparked a legal battle with businesses owners and the state, we’ll explore. And imagine 10 years with tap water so poisonous, you won’t dare drink it or bathe in it. A south Texas town fights back. Plus a 200 percent increase in heroin snagged at the border? a fact check and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 1, 2018

A Foster care system so dangerous to kids, its been ruled unconstitutional. Should the Feds be permitted to order a fix for Texas? We’ll have the latest. Also, after parkland everyone seems to have an opinion on whether there should be tighter controls on guns. But some Texans with a personal stake in the matter say they don’t have a seat at the table, and they’re demanding a hearing. We’ll hear why. Also, Sprint and T-Mobile want to get married. If anyone has reasons why these two should not be wed, it might be Texas-based AT&T who’s fighting its own anti-trust battle at the moment. We’ll hear why that might matter to you. Plus a surprise endorsement in the Governor’s race and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 30, 2018

Reversed: Texas’ Voter ID law once found to discriminate on the basis of race now gets the green light. So what forms of ID will you need to bring with you to the polling place? That won’t change. We’ll hear how the court came down and why. Also, remember gas prices closing in on 4 dollars a gallon? Would you be wiling to pay double that? A prediction that could make em smile in the Permian Basin, but put the big squeeze on SUV drivers. And those commercial DNA genealogy tests: could they be used against you in a court of law? A high profile case raising red flags. All those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 27, 2018

Can the Governor force a disgraced ex Congressman to compensate taxpayers for the costs of a special election to replace him? We’ll explore your questions. Also, the National Rifle Association is coming to Dallas for its national convention next week. A writer for the Dallas Morning News says its coming full circle in a sense, since two texans turned it into the group it is today. We’ll hear how and why. Plus, an idea to get more future teachers to turn their sights to rural Texas. And an unlikely pick from an unlikely place: football’s Cinderella story from San Antonio. Also, the man convicted of murder who’s helping the wrongly accused get of jail. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 25, 2018

The governor calls for an emergency election in a Harvey hit district that’s also lost its Congressman. Does the maneuver pass muster? By November 6th, voters in Texas 27th district will have one, two, three chances to cast a ballot for their representative to the US.. House. Confusing? We’ll walk you through it. Also a new ruling on DACA and a blow to President Trump. We’ll hear what the decision means for young undocumented immigrants and the program designed to protect them from deportation. And the man president Trump wants to pardon, they called him the Galveston giant. We’ll have the view from Jack Johnson’s hometown and so much more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 24, 2018

Flattery will get you how far, exactly? How the French Prime Minister’s trying to cultivate a special relationship with the US President, and what it really means. Also, after the Cold War what happened to all those nuclear-tipped missiles? A lot of them wound up in Amarillo, and now, the stockpiles are adding up to a potential crisis. Rick Perry’s Plutonium problem. Plus in the US, the word Socialist used to be a political slur. But now, it’s becoming a campaign platform even in traditionally conservative states, including you know where. And a New York Times reporter tells us about the tea party movement on the left, and its rise in Texas. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 23, 2018

The state’s political maps: will they need to be re-drawn? The stakes are high in a case to be argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, we’ll have the latest. Also in Texas there’s a lot of love for Southwest. But today, lots of frustrated travelers as the Dallas based airline grounds nearly a hundred planes for engine inspections. We’ll hear what inspectors are looking for. And the nation’s biggest psychiatric ward also happens to be a county jail. How did the criminal justice system become the biggest provider of services to the mentally ill? We’ll explore. And a new wave of National Guard troops arrive at the border. How’s this playing out down in the Valley? We’ll take you there. Those stories and so much more on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 20, 2018

Look! In the skies over Galveston. It’s a bird, it’s a plane… No, it’s a plane. And it just might be the next Concorde. NASA’s mission- today on the Standard.

There’s a new policy for meetings at city hall in Amarillo. If you’re caught clapping you might get thrown out. An unusual policy to be sure—but is it constitutional? An SMU legal scholar raises a red flag.

Remember the Alamo? Sure you do. But never like this. Virtual reality comes to the cradle of Texas liberty.

Also why a Texas city ranks #1 for black homeownership. You might be surprised which city it is. Plus the week in Texas politics and more.

Texas Standard: April 19, 2018

Too close to call? As long time experts scratch their heads, a new survey says Texas, you’re in for some fireworks in that Senate race. We’ll explore the battle of Ted and Beto. Also, who or what is the Queen of the Hill? Short answer: what may be a last chance for a deal to protect young immigrants from deportation. A Texas Republican Congressman among those pushing for an unusual parliamentary procedure to break the daca impasse. Also, the Waco Siege 25 years on. And the pilot hailed as a hero in Monday’s Southwest Airlines emergency landing, has made history before. We’ll hear how and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 18, 2018

A first lady and political matriarch, but a thought leader? We remember Barbara Bush and her intervention in an American crisis of compassion. Plus, President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee sides with 4 liberal justices in an immigration case. The shape of things to come? A Texas legal scholar has his doubts, we’ll hear why. And Houston’s so-called Dangerous apartment epidemic. We’ll hear the charge and how the city’s responding. Also, choppy waters: a lawsuit challenges a longstanding licensing rule for maritime pilots. And in the US capitol, are Texans the only statues bearing arms? We’ll Politifact check that claim and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 16, 2018

With US missiles striking Syria over the weekend, the calculus changes for Texas’ biggest export. What does the conflict mean for the lone star state? We’ll explore. Also, a 92 year old Texas political matriarch said to be surrounded by family after an announcement that she’s now declining medical treatment. More on the former first lady Barbara Bush. Also, as the number of seniors in Texas skyrockets, a shortage of physicians to care for them. What’s next? We’ll explore. And will Democrats win the US house of representatives? NY times columnist Frank Bruni says “ask Texas”. We’ll ask Mr. Bruni just what he sees. And a second chance to see long lost moving images from the Lone Star State… the you tube of Texas? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 13, 2018

Though you may have heard about James Comey’s book, have you heard how the president may be planning to fire back? The scoop on Scooter today on the Texas Standard.

Long before President Trump claimed to be the target of a witch hunt, the ally of a powerful Texan complained he too was the target of one. Why Dick Cheney’s onetime teammate Scooter Libby is making headlines.

Also, you’ve heard of the calm before the storm, what about the storm that follows the storm? Why Texas lawmakers are worried about economic blowback post-Harvey.

And one of the best known actors in Hollywood keeps his heart and his home in Texas. Matthew McConaughey talks about Wooderson, guns and the samurai way.

Texas Standard: April 12, 2018

California and Texas may be miles apart philosophically but when it comes to troops at the border, there may be more in common that you think. The story today on the Standard

A New York Times reporter, embedded with Texas forces at the border, tells us what he’s seeing about military operations. And how this show of force is staying largely invisble to residents.

Women working as reporters tell their own stories to Texas researchers, and the findings point to physical dangers and an impact on the news. We’ll hear how and why.

And what if they threw a party, and it changed an iconic Texas city? It happened 50 years ago- and its ripples are still felt today. Those stories and much more, we’re just getting started.

Texas Standard: April 11, 2018

Texan Kevin Brady may not be a household name in the rest of the US, but after a surprise announcement on Capitol Hill that could quickly change.

What House Speaker Paul Ryan’s unexpected decision to retire from congress may mean for Texas. Kevin Diaz of the Houston Chronicle joins us.

Also, with the Facebook CEO set for more congressional questions, why the interrogation from a Texas senator yesterday is being called one of the more interesting moments.

You Tube Kids-just how safe for youngsters?

And what a massive new study tells us about the implications of holding schoolkids back a grade, come counterintuitive conclusions.

Texas Standard: April 10, 2018

A case of clerical error? A peer reviewed journal questions conventional wisdom on the record setting number of maternal deaths in Texas. Details today on the Standard.

Are military cuts causing more US military flyers to lose their lives? A first of its kind investigation connects the dots between cutbacks and crashes.

Lubbock drawing national attention post-Parkland- for what may be a revolutionary way to spotlight mental health needs among students.

And the “decade of malaise” they called it, what’s it got to do with Donald Trump? A presidential scholar says more than we might think. Grab your platform shoes and crank up that Hi-fi….because it’s time for the national news show of you know where.

Texas Standard: April 9, 2018

A congressman leaves Washington well ahead of schedule. What are the options for a short term replacement to represent his Harvey hit part of Texas? The story on the Standard.

After a scandal involving a teacher convicted of domestic abuse, the University of Texas orders employees to report all future arrests –and the dispositions of their cases. Does it strike the right balance between safety and worker privacy?

Also, why state parks are going dark this week.

TXDOT issues a warning for roadside picture takers during bluebonnet season. But wait- who put those bluebonnets there in the first place? We’ll find out…and a whole lot more.

Texas Standard: April 4, 2018

April 4th 1968: a date that changed America. 50 years on, how do texans remember the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.? Two weeks before, a choir from Prairie View A&M performed before Martin Luther King at the Lorraine Motel where King was assassinated. 50 years later, we talk with the leader of that choir and his brother who led a reenactment of the event in Memphis. Also, the only African American owned bank in all of Texas expands to Atlanta. We’ll hear about the history of the bank and why they’re moving beyond Texas borders. And a ruling in a challenge to Texas motor voter laws. Those stories and so much more today at the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 3, 2018

It’s being described as an eye popping boost for Beto O’Rourke’s bottom line: a game changer in his race against Ted Cruz for senate? We’ll explore. Also, there’s more teacher walkouts over pay, now in Oklahoma and Kentucky. Should Texas teachers be taking a cue? We’ll explore. Also, tariffs hit home. How china’s reaction to U.S. trade policies are making a mark on the Texas economy. And clinical trials of new alzheimer’s treatments haven’t been going well. Now researchers in San Antonio may have discovered the reason. Plus, will you get your next car by subscription? Why some automakers are disrupting their own sales model. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 28, 2018

A controversial change already facing a legal challenge: how might Texas be affected by a new citizenship question in the next US census? We’ll explore. Also, five months after a massacre in Sutherland Springs, church officials announce new plans to rebuild, we’ll hear the latest. And what if you could compare the earnings potential of one college degree against another? Despite a federal ban on collecting such data, Texas’ flagship university is doing the numbers, we’ll explore the implications. And it was James Dean’s final film, and a larger than life commentary on Texas as a microcosm of America. The editor of Kirkus Review calls a new book the definitive account of the movie ‘Giant’. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 27, 2018

A one on one debrief with the interim police chief of the Texas capitol city in the aftermath of the serial bomber, we’ll explore the latest details in the case. Also, Facebook is in meltdown mode with users leaving investigations opening and calls for regulation or more. What digital privacy protections exist for Texans? We’ll take a closer look. And first Colt’s bankruptcy, now Remington on the ropes. The result of blowback over gun violence, or something else going on with gunmakers? Also, in San Antonio, a new idea to get dogs on death row a second chance, we’ll explain. Plus the legend of the easter bunny: a Texas tradition? All that and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard: