Amidst waves of exhaustion, enthusiasm and a mixup on my part, your Austin Music Minute host would like to apologize for erroneously referring to Delicate Boys‘ debut LP as Physical Culture, which is actually the title of their 2017 EP release. But that EP serves as a great introduction to the mad swirl of influences that Delicate Boys immerses itself in, which is also clearly the case with their brilliantly disorienting new album, Mineral Empire.
Expect no timidity from the gang with “Delicate” in their name. Their latest recording keeps it rowdy and fuzzed up with power pop, demented noise, down and dirty psych, just a smidge of random twang in there, and an all-around feast for the discerning ear hole that appreciates the shifts in style.
Don’t be boring, Celebrate Delicate Boys’ album release at their show tonight at Hotel Vegas, 1501 E. 6th St., along with Food Group, 2069 and Marijuana Sweet Tooth. Things get rolling after 9 p.m. The new album’s official release date is Friday. Recommended.
-Photo courtesy of the artist.