
Texas Standard: February 13, 2017

Texas on ICE: for weeks they were unconfirmed reports, now evidence of immigration sweeps across Texas and 10 other states, we’ll have the latest. Also: mind the gap. Who’s gonna fill the hole between two competing spending plans, for Texas and what does it mean in real terms? And a price bubble in the middle of the Texas desert, set to pop? Plus how do you write about a war when the final chapter is far from over? Veterans of the War on Terror offer a rare insiders view. And a sweeping investigation of the state of human trafficking in the lone star state. All that and much more, today on the Texas Standard:


We might consider ourselves pretty savvy. We choose the “best” toothpaste, bottled water, or television set. We go to the movies we “want” to see, and listen to the music we like because it’s “good”. What we might not take into consideration is how popularity fits into our value judgments about everything, from people and products to ideas and beliefs.

In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the psychology of popularity.

Reference Points

In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about how we make value judgments based on reference points.