A deadly discovery in South Texas with echoes of the past: why is Texas at the epicenter of the human smuggling crisis? We’ll have the story. Also the terms are used almost interchangeably: human trafficking and human smuggling. We’ll look at what the difference is, and why it matters in the wake of 10 deaths in the back of a tractor trailer. Plus a sad sign of of an oil rebound? Experts point to a boom in methamphetamine use in the oil fields of west Texas. Those stories and much more today on the Texas Standard:
road rage
Statewide Ban
The Texas legislature is considering a statewide ban on texting while driving. That was the inspiration for this week’s Typewriter Rodeo poem for the Texas Standard.
Texas Standard: February 29, 2016
It has the potential to be a landmark case before the nation’s highest court a test of Texas abortions restrictions. Also- a wave of immigrants at the Texas border…who don’t get turned away. But instead, get a welcome to stay as long as they want. We’ll hear what’s happening and why. Gimme a B, gimme an r gimme a U-T-A-L–what does that spell? A Texas sized smackdown in the business of cheerleading uniforms. And why do normally sane Texans lose it behind the wheel? Road rage re-examined. Those stories and lots more on todays Texas Standard:
How to Navigate Road Rage
Oh, the woes of modern life in a metropolitan city center. What’s going on in our brains when we encounter that familiar feeling of intense frustration while driving in traffic that we comically refer to as ROAD RAGE? The Two Guys on Your Head will break it down in this week’s episode of the show.