In the past 24 hours, explosive allegations against the President elect have surfaced. Some now wonder: is there a pre-inaugural panic button? We’ll explore. Also, in a state that prides itself on being number one, a dubious distinction… Texas: the uninsured capitol of the US. What if anything happens to healthcare statewide come January 20th? Plus: the oil industry makes a pitch to cash strapped lawmakers: keep the regulators well funded. We’ll talk with the person behind the push. And the Lt. Governor quotes Martin Luther King Jr to introduce his transgender bathroom bill…are we sure Martin Luther King said what he was quoted as saying? All that and then some today on the Texas Standard:
President Elect
Texas Standard: November 17, 2016
Oreos, Netflix, New Balance, Amazon: consumer boycotts as a proxy for the ballot box. But who’s buying it, and do they work? We’ll explore. Also he campaigned to repeal and replace Obamacare, but what would Trumpcare mean for texans? We’ll look at the range of possibilities. Plus the changing of the guard in Washington could leave a few holes in Texas politics. Who’ll fill the seats, and how. Also, did he really sell his soul to the devil? As San Antonio prepares to celebrate an iconic bluesman, a few myths get broken along the way. And the robots are coming: whose jobs will they take? Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:
Texas Standard: November 14, 2016
From cyberbullying bills to political ethics rules, what’s just over the horizon for Texas? We’re about to find out for real. Plus as the Feds send more force to the border, there are signs Texas law enforcement may lighten up on the southern frontier. We’ll hear why. Also, republican administrations are often thought of as good for the military business but some at Lockheed Martin in Fort Worth aren’t so sanguine about the future. We’ll explore the fight over the F-35. Plus it is a term that was coined by a police officer: suicide by cop. What’s being done to address the issue and what isn’t. All that and more today on the Texas Standard: