Sometimes the outlook is bleak — or even downright awful. Even in the worst case scenario, some find hope in identifying the good. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
Good News
The news has been heavy for a long time — full of stories of suffering and loss. It’s natural and healthy to want to take a break. But sometimes finding the good can feel difficult. That was the inspiration of this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
The Pessimistic Farmer
One in 7 working Texans has an agriculture-related job. That’s a lot of people who depend at least in part on unpredictable markets and mother nature to make a living. So it’s no surprise some of those folks might look towards the future with a bit of uncertainty. At least that’s the sentiment behind the latest contribution from Texas Standard commentator W.F. Strong.
More & More Vaccinations
The vaccine rollout began with a very small group and has, at this point, expanded in Texas to everyone who is at least 16 years-old. More and more, people know others who have been vaccinated. More and more, the potential for the return to a “more normal” life looks possible. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
What Hasn’t Changed
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed how many work, go to school, socialize, shop, and so much more. But other things aren’t that different. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.