Miguel Alvarez

V&B – Postcards From the Great Divide

Taking a quote from former US speaker of the house Tip O’Neil, we ask if “all politics is local” why were pollsters, politicians, analysts, pundits, and practically everyone surprised by the election of Donald Trump? What part was not understood? The “politics” or the “local”? Here with me to screen parts of the PBS series “Postcards From The Great Divide” and talk about the role of small town

In this edition of Views and Brews, hosted by Rebecca McInroy, we explore the PBS series “Postcards From The Great Divide” and talk about the role of small town America in politics today with filmmaker and lecturer in Radio, TV, and film at The University of Texas at Austin, Miguel Alvarez; Chair of The Department of Radio-TV and Film at UT and documentarian Paul Stekler; and political analyst, strategist and consultant Matthew Dowd.