Heartland rock

Buzzard Company: “Ghost Town Livin’ Blues”

When you first hear of a genre called “heartland rock”…what do you think of? Well according to Austin outfit Buzzard Company, its inspirations lie in blues, garage rock, psychedelia, grunge, and of course, Americana. Buzzard Company got started as a duo in 2019, but rather than let a little global pandemic pick the meat off their project, they’ve since doubled their numbers, now performing as a quartet. That said, the uncertainty of COVID’s been a major factor in Buzzard Company’s “no fluff” approach to lyrics and arrangement.

Buzzard Company spent a good portion of 2021 recording their debut EP, due out later this year. They’ll be playing a free single release show this Friday at ABGB along with The Lewd Dudes and Rankin Fetzer, who celebrates the evening with his own album release. These rambunctious birds of prey shared that new track (“Ghost Town Livin’ Blues”) with us ahead of time, so if you’re looking for a rowdy re-frame of social distancing and quarantine conditions, look no further than Buzzard Company.