
Texas Standard: February 21, 2017

Before the highest court in the land: the case of the killing of a teenager at the border, and the question where do we draw the line? Plus first came the Tea Party, then complaints about RINO’s-republicans in name only. As Trump opponents adopt the tea party strategy, a call for the fall of the Dinos? And new numbers on support for the legalization of cannabis in the lone star state. As attitudes change, why does the resistance refuse to go up in smoke? Plus Texas schools turning down federal food money so they can hang on to aid for academics. But if students are too hungry to work, then what? All that and more on the national news show of Texas:

Texas Standard: August 31, 2016

Texas police shootings: we’ll explore what we know about how often cops fire their weapons and what the consequences are. Plus more Central American kids making their way to Texas to escape atrocities. We’ll introduce you to some who are arriving legally. And bustling this time of year but otherwise vacant parking lots and under-used buildings. A look at what could be ahead for the Texas State fairgrounds. Plus what understanding the cause of death of one of our early human ancestors tells us about her life. And is campus carry really keeping people away from Texas public universities? Those stories and more on todays Texas Standard: