
Foodie Vibes

Trying something new and different can be fun — but may also leave you wanting a little more. That was the inspiration behind this Typewriter Rodeo poem.

Texas Standard: August 29, 2022

A booster rollout: ready for launch? As a long awaited Omicron vaccine gets ready for release, are Texans ready for another round of shots? We’ll explore. Other stories we’re covering: families of victims of the Uvalde shooting gather at the capitol to tell their stories and demand action. And military rules on weight leading to eating disorders and some say the services are do too little to address that issue. Also, the business of college football changing as never before with some players getting paid de facto salaries at bigger schools and altering the calculus for recruitment. Those stories and much more coming up today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 21, 2020

We have a winner in a hotly contested state senate election. Can it tell us anything about the Texas Republican party? We’ll explore. Also, some health care providers across Texas have now received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Next up should be nursing home patients and staff. We’ll look at how one provider is feeling about it all. And UT-Austin is changing the way it determines who gets into a certain program. How an algorithm can show bias. Also Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton’s lawsuit too overturn some election results was a failure, on all but one front. We’ll explain. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: July 4, 2018

Two years after Fisher vs. University of Texas, the Trump administration urges colleges to drop consideration of race in admissions, we’ll look at the implications. Also, how a debate over water flowing from Georgia to Florida is trickling into Texas. And 20 years ago this summer, a Texan trying to save his job not only struck paydirt, his little well would change the world, we’ll hear how and why. And a modern day dinosaur from Texas who took over TV screens around the world. Fire up the grill and grab a lawn chair, the Texas Standard is back on the air:

Texas Standard: May 16, 2017

Spy satellite photos made public plus a disturbing allegation against Syria that raises the specter of war crimes, we’ll explore. Plus reporting on the border has always been a challenge, but now it’s deadlier than ever, and some fear a shadow of silence spreading over Mexico. We’ll explain. Also Texas set to become the first state to test a new policy permitting states to withhold funds from groups like Planned Parenthood. And police seizures of personal assets: cars, money, you name it, without proving any underlying crime. A new push in Texas to end what critics call highway robbery. And how do you lose 46 million dollars? A newspaper helps Texas’ biggest city find lost money. Those stories and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Diets, Dieting, and Food Rituals

In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke, talk about the complex metabolic system that goes into how we eat and process food, and the benefits of food rituals and eating together, not only on our bodies, but on our brains as well.