A federal judge says Texas’ foster care system is still broken – and has fined the state $100,00 per day.
The new book “City Limits” examines the effort to rethink urban highways in Texas and traces a history of racism and inequality in three of the state’s’ largest cities. We’ll hear from author and journalist Megan Kimble.
Over the past two decades, developers in Austin have built hundreds of windowless bedrooms. But now some elected officials want them banned.
And: The next generation of mechanics is getting ready to work on the next generation of cars.
What My Grandmother Taught Me
There are plenty of quotes about age and wisdom. This Typewriter Rodeo poem doesn’t pull from stereotype or adage. It’s just a real-life example of a good lesson passed down.
Texas Standard: October 12, 2018
Turkey says it has tapes of the murder and torture of a Washington Post columnsit at the hands of the Saudis. How should the U.S. respond? The disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi is creating geopolitical ripples, as Turkey works with U.S. officials over the Khashoggi affair, and this morning, orders the release of a U.S. pastor detained there. Also, counting casulaties in the wake of Hurricane Michael: after Hurricanes Harvey and Maria, why the numbers don’t seem to add up. Plus, the week in politics with the Texas Tribune and much more. No matter where you are, it’s Texas Standard time.
Texas Standard: January 16, 2018
From San Antonio to Tyler, the capital city to Corsicana, schools, businesses and roadways closed thanks to Inga. Though Dallas mostly spared, much of the rest of the state to the east and the south dealing with or bracing for a thin layer of ice causing major disruption. We’ll check in with reporters across the affected region…Also, 2017: the deadliest year in immigrant detention centers in almost a decade. What’s happening and why? And separation anxiety: the law struggling with who gets the frozen embryos after a breakup. Plus the Texan writing a new chapter in the rise of the Black Panther. All of that and more today on the Texas Standard: