Events unfolding in China, Iran and Greece are moving the needle on one Texas-centric economic indicator…we’re checking the gauges today on the Texas Standard. An Iconic Texas brand says no to open carry in their restaurants…we’ll explore what it means for the industry and the debate. As South Carolina debates the battleflag, lawmakers try to open a discussion on TX capitol monuments. Also, lone star cases loom large before the nation’s highest court—NPR’s Nina Totenberg joins us to explore what’s at stake and —what just happened…Plus running with the bulls, Pamplona’s got nothing on Texas…turn it up and join us cause no matter where you are it’s Texas Standard time:
Confederate Flag
Texas Standard: July 6, 2015
He’s riding a surge of support causing consternation in Hillary Clinton’s camp. But can Bernie Sanders sell his message to Texans? Coming up Hundreds of skeletal remains, but whose? How did they die? Who’s responsible? Mass Graves in South Texas, and lots of buried questions. Also the oil downturn hits the pulpit with more than a dozen layoffs at a singe church. Plus a public flap over a private flag display..and lots more…check your watches it’s Texas Standard time and we’re coming up on one minute past the hour.
Texas Standard: July 1, 2015
Beyond flags and statues, the Texas front in the battle over confederate connections turns to public schools–that’s just ahead today on the Texas standard. The Texas ban on local fracking bans. After Denton, what comes next? Also doctors step in where politicians won’t in a controversy over childhood vaccinations. A Texas Tech professor speaks out against Tenure…and he says he’s paying an unfair price. And what’s in a name? A whole lot more than you might think, Tex…Those stories and much more coming up on today’s Texas Standard: