The Texas Medical Board has offered guidance to doctors on the emergency medical exception to the state’s abortion ban.
How the small town of Sanderson in West Texas is recovering after a pair of tornadoes.
Shipments of avocados and mangoes from the Mexican state of Michoacán to the U.S. are suspended after two U.S. Department of Agriculture workers in the region were detained by local protesters and later removed from the area, leaving inspections of produce on hold. What will it mean for prices?
Reading, writing and roasting: Texas A&M is hoping to school the next generation of coffee experts by offering a Coffee Processing and Quality Certificate.
And: what Texas architecture of the mid century tells us about the Lone Star State and its complicated aspirations – we’re talking to the author and photographer behind “Home, Heat, Money, God: Texas and Modern Architecture.”
Work Coffee
There aren’t a lot of things in this world that are free — except, sometimes, work coffee. But is it really free? That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.
Ode to the Break Room Donut
Tupperware with leftovers, salads from around the corner, candy from the vending machine – office food can get boring. Some of us try to eat healthy, waking up an extra half hour early to prepare a midday meal, others go for the multi-snack approach. And every now and then, a magical thing happens in the breakroom: someone brings donuts.