Brit pop

Foxxy Moron: “C’est La Vie”

Your support makes a lot of things possible for us here in Public Radio. One of the coolest of which is our ability to keep a finger on the evolving pulse of Austin music, be it from decades-old artists or brand spankin’ new ones. On that note, you might’ve made a few memories with Austin indie rock quartet Mohawk Bends over the years, but did you know that fronting singer-guitarist Chris Michael just launched a solo project?

Borrowing from the brash, quasi-nihilistic attitudes of Britpop legends James and Arctic Monkeys, Michael’s self-deprecating endeavor Foxxy Moron blurs the boundaries between classic acts like Oasis and contemporary innovators like California’s Young the Giant. Shades on and a full glass in hand, Foxxy Moron’s already nailed “the look”, with his debut single doing the rest of the heavy lifting; touting dynamic tom rhythms, a virtuoso vocal range, kickass guitar work, and hints of a perhaps not-so-legitimate UK accent, “C’est La Vie” is certain to skyrocket Foxxy Moron across the pond and well beyond.