
Texas Standard: November 30, 2020

The timetable for COVID-19 vaccines in Texas? The first doses could be here within days, says the governor. We’ll have more on the state’s plans for a rollout of Pfizer’s Coronavirus vaccine in Texas, who gets it and when. Bob Garret of the Dallas Morning news with details. Also more on the incoming Biden administrations plans for fighting the pandemic. And contraband crossing the border: not drugs coming into the U.S., but arms going south to Mexico. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 7, 2017

Should a gun license be treated like a drivers license? So one could carry anywhere in the US? The house green lights a landmark gun bill, we’ll have the latest. Also, he may not be a seasoned politician, but politics has long been part of his life. The son of a former governor becomes the second democrat in as many days to announce a challenge to Texas Governor Abbott. And a warning for parents using portable electronics as pacifiers: the digital playland’s not nearly as safe as some would have you believe. Plus a major Texas newspaper calls on Texas lawmakers to shutdown the government to force the issue of funding post hurricane Harvey. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard: