Angelica Garcia

Bienvenido al Laboratorio

AMM Oct. 21 2023: Carrie Rodriguez’ LABORATORIO
Carrie Rodriguez

A recent Instagram post by Alex Marrero encapsulated a perfect but all-too-familiar sentiment.

Marrero, known for his work in Brownout, Grupo Fantasma, Los Lobos and numerous others, is part of the multi-talented house band of Carrie RodriguezLABORATORIO, an ongoing musical project exploring and celebrating Latinx culture and its many contributions to the ongoing American experiment. Rodriguez, Marrero, Roscoe Beck, David Jimenez and Peter Stopchinski are the alchemic artists making every LABORATORIO collaboration a unique and magical experience, and tomorrow’s beautifully crafted set at Stateside will mark the series’ twenty-second installment. In a nutshell, it keeps getting more stunning and amazing with every uplifting performance.

All this circles back to Marrero’s wry observation: Enthusiastic inquiries made about LABORATORIO always seem to come his way after the fact. It’s time to change that.

Catch the next LABORATORIO tomorrow night at Stateside at the Paramount, featuring newly-signed Partisan Records artist Angélica Garcia (the compelling “El Que” is on today’s AMM – and you may recall Garcia’s vocals on Adrian Quesada’s “Ídolo”); and lauded writer/photographer Cat Cardenas, whose work has appeared in Rolling Stone, the New York Times, Washington Post and Texas Monthly. Doors open at 6 p.m. The show begins at 7 p.m.

Full disclosure: Your AMM host will serve as emcee for this spectacular event. Avoid ruminating after the fact. See you Sunday night.

Adrian Quesada’s Boleros Psicodélicos: “Ídolo” (feat. Angélica Garcia) (Live in Studio 1A)

Grupo Fantasma. Brownout. Black Pumas. Glorietta. Ocote Soul Sounds. No matter what outfit you know him from the best, it’s adequately clear that Adrian Quesada has a near-unquenchable artistic appetite. And on the verge of his upcoming instrumental LP Jaguar Sound – the visionary’s second full-length for 2022 – Quesada and his Boleros Psicodélicos crew are eager to put their passions on display 2:15PM this Saturday on the Honda stage at Austin City Limits Music Festival and 8PM this Sunday for an official ACL taping.

Quesada’s promised a “nasty-ass backing band” and “lush orchestration” plus his international roster of vocalists for these two performances, none of which have been heard in-person since their live debut in Studio 1A this past June. And with just a week and a half left, Boleros Psicodélicos is an ideal countercultural companion piece to Hispanic Heritage Month. So toss on the record and find your personal favorite among the features, like the Angélica Garcia-graced “Ídolo”.