December 27, 2024
When we see true experts in action, there can be something mysterious about how they work; they seem to just “know” what to do. That process of knowing is no accident. In this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy talk about the psychology of educating intuition.
December 20, 2024
We often hear the term “critical thinking” but may take for granted that we don’t think critically about what it means. In this fourth and final episode of our series on critical thinking, Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy explore the psychology of emotions.
December 13, 2024
Critical Thinking: What is it? What isn’t it?
We often hear the term “critical thinking” but may take for granted that we don’t think critically about what it means. In this third episode of our four-part series on critical thinking, Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy explore what critical thinking is and what it isn’t.
December 6, 2024
We hear the term “critical thinking” often but may take for granted that we don’t think very critically about what it means. In this second episode of our series on critical thinking, Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy talk about the role of expertise.
November 29, 2024
Critical Thinking: The Foundation
We hear the term “critical thinking” often but may take for granted that we don’t think very critically about what it means. With this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy begin a series on the psychology of critical thinking by talking about what it takes to get started.
November 22, 2024
When looking for a good restaurant or trying to figure out what film to watch or book to read, a good critic can be very useful. However, distinguishing between a critic and an influencer can be tricky. In this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, Art Markman, Bob Duke, and Rebecca McInroy talk about the psychology of the critic.
November 15, 2024
From a very early age, we learn to take cues from our environment as to how we should feel about things; we look to our parents to give us a sense of safety, and we laugh when others laugh. However, in our society today, with everything from laugh tracks to bot-generated likes, assessing the validity […]
November 8, 2024
The Psychology of Uncertainty (Rebroadcast)
When we’re anxious, we have a heightened awareness of negative things in our environment. In contrast, we tend to notice more desirable things when excited. Coupled with the media landscape today, it’s easy to see how emotions can spiral every time you look at your phone. In this episode of Two Guys on Your Head, […]
Dr. Art Markman
Dr. Bob Duke
Rebecca McInroy
Rebecca is an executive producer and host for KUT Radio in Austin, Texas. She is the co-creator, producer and host of various podcasts and shows including, Views and Brews, Two Guys on Your Head, Liner Notes, The Write Up, and The Secret Ingredient.
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