Ike Evans

Children’s Grief

Children often have it the hardest in terms of personal loss, and kid gloves can only go so far. In this penultimate episode, Ike interviews Laura Olague and Kathy Revtyak of the Children’s Grief Center of El Paso to discuss ambiguous grief, secondary loss, bereavement, coping processes and more.

Mental Health in Texas Public Schools

Texas schools can present a tough environment, yet the voices that most need to be heard rarely make it to the ear of policymakers. Ike and Andrew Hairston of Texas Appleseed talk the 88th Texas Legislative Session, lived experience with mental health, and how we can potentially make learning atmospheres more conducive for healthy development.

Community Resilience in Youth

September is Suicide Prevention Month, and over the last several years, data has emerged indicating an alarming increase in the suicide rates for Black youth. In the third episode of Mind of Texas, host Ike Evans navigates a hard conversation with Krystal Grimes, MS, LPC, Director of Inclusion & Resilience at Bastrop County Cares and Rue Dashnaw, a youth community leader to reveal how resilience has emerged within Bastrops bleak backdrop of selfharm and suicidal ideation.


Austin State Hospital: Then & Now

The second installment of Mind of Texas dives headfirst into Austin State Hospitals oral history project with UT professor emeritus Dr. King Davis and historic preservation coordinator D.D. Clark to learn what state hospital archives teach us about mental health and equity today.

In part two, peer support specialist Parker LaCombe chimes in with her experiences on state hospitals and mental health field – both in terms of receiving and offering services.

Minority Mental Health: Women Knowledge Workers in Higher Education Show Themselves Out

In the series premiere of Mind of Texas, host Ike Evans explores Dr. M. Yvonne Taylor’s research into how the gendered and racialized organizational structure of large universities affected women in a way that made their Great Resignation a uniquely painful one.

In the second half of this rich conversation, Ike and Yvonne are joined by Black Austin Matters host Dr. Richard J. Reddick alongside one of Yvonne’s actual research subjects, who assumes the alias “Sunshine” for a hands-on recollection of the dual pandemics, the Great Resignation, and what the future of knowledge work in Texas may look like.

Trailer: Mind of Texas

Texas is a big and diverse state. And so are the minds of the people in it. Mind of Texas is a new podcast focused on mental health in our society, particularly among people of color. The podcast launches on July 12 with new episodes available on the second Wednesday of each month. Hosted by Ike Evans of UT’s Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, the program brings you in-depth discussions on mental health in Texas. You’ll hear from researchers, industry professionals, and even folks in the throes of coping with Texas’ complexities themselves. We hope you’ll join us each month for Mind of Texas.