This Song

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April 17, 2017

This Song: Sundara Karma

By: Elizabeth McQueen

Sundara Karma released their debut record “Youth is Only Ever Fun in Retrospect” in January of this year. Listen as lead singer and songwriter Oscar Pollock describes how his new found love of Nick Drake’s second record  Bryter Later has been pushing his writing into more vulnerable and authentic territory. Then bliss out as drummer Haydn Evans delves into his enduring love for the Beach Boy’s “Pet Sounds.”

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Check out Sundara Karma’s Tour Dates here!

Listen to Songs from Episode 79 of This Song



October 17, 2019

This Song: FINNEAS

Singer, songwriter and producer Finneas O’Connell not only writes and produces music with his sister Billie Eilish, but also makes his own music under the name FINNEAS. Listen as he explains why he loved “Holy Sh*t” by Father John Misty from the moment he heard it and how the song helped him expand his ideas of what he could say in his own songs.


October 10, 2019

This Song: Carrie Brownstein from Sleater-Kinney

Carrie Brownstein explains how “Stay” by Rhianna inspired her to write the last track on Sleater-Kinney’s latest record,”Broken.” 


August 29, 2019

This Song: Ezra Koenig from Vampire Weekend

Ezra Koenig, lead singer and songwriter for the band Vampire Weekend, explains why he recently became obsessed with  “I Don’t Think Much About Her No More” by country singer and songwriter Mickey Newbury and explores what it was like to apply country music’s direct approach to songwriting to some of the the songs on Father of the Bride.


June 26, 2019

This Song: Krissy Teegerstrom on “Mojo Pin” by Jeff Buckley

On the last episode of This Song until the fall, Krissy Teegerstrom, a self-made artist, creative consultant, podcaster, and designer at Featherweight Studio talks about how listening to “Mojo Pin” by Jeff Buckley transported her to a place beyond the real and showed her how to follow her creative intuition.


June 18, 2019

Black Pumas’ Eric Burton on “(Sittin’ On)The Dock of the Bay” by Otis Redding

On this episode of This Song, Elizabeth McQueen sits down with Eric Burton, the lead singer of Black Pumas to talk about what he learned about honesty an connection from Otis Redding’s “Sitting on the Dock of the Bay” and how went  from busking on the Santa Monica Pier to fronting the Black Pumas in Austin Texas.


June 12, 2019

This Song: Tiarra Girls on “Just a Girl” by No Doubt

Austin based sisters Tori, Tiffany and Sofia Baltierra have been playing as the Tiarra Girls since they were in elementary and middle school. Listen as they describe how seeing the video for No Doubt’s “Just a Girl” influenced them all stylistically and helped them find their voices as young women in music.


June 5, 2019

This Song: Rhett Miller (rerun)

Musician, writer, and frontman for Old 97’s Rhett Miller launched his own podcast “Wheel’s Off With Rhett Miller” earlier this year.  In it, he talks to artists about what it’s really like to live a creative life. In this 2017 episode, he describes how hearing the Jewish Lesbian Folk singer Phranc perform ‘The Lonesome Death […]


June 5, 2019

This Song: Strand of Oaks on “Lazarus” by David Bowie

Timothy Showalter, who leads the folk-rock band Strand of Oaks describes how hearing David Bowie’s “Lazarus” at the end of the recording process helped him see how powerful documenting dark times could be.
