Trans Gender

What’s happening at the Cutoff in East Texas?

As cities grow, so do tensions between state and local officials over policy direction. A bipartisan coalition of 18 big city mayors team up to press state officials over top priorities. What they’re planning and more in our conversation with the mayor of Fort Worth. Also, how transgender youth and their families are gearing up to fight several new proposals in the GOP led Texas legislature. And an update over public access to a beloved east Texas body of water called The Cutoff. Plus rising grocery prices and the SNAP gap for those needing help to get food on the table. These stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

V&B – Being Trans in Texas: Education, Advocacy and Support

KUT’s Rebecca McInroy joins Chuck Smith from Equality Texas, Carmarion Anderson of The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries, Attorney Claire Bow, Professor Shane Whalley from the UT School of Social Work, and Filmmaker Jett Garrison to talk about what it means to be transgender in the current social and political moment and how allies can provide effective and helpful support to the trans community.

Texas Standard: July 7, 2016

Texas versus New York. There’s clearly a bit of a rivalry there and it may just have heated up over a hot-button issue. Plus Texas Senator Ted Cruz has been quieter since suspending his campaign for president… but his political machine hasn’t slowed down… it may just be re-tooling. Also… 1.4 million Texas public education employees and retirees could be affected by Brexit… we’ll explain. And it’s a bird… it’s a plane… it’s a… problem. How one Texas Air Force base is trying to co-exist with wildlife… while at the same time protect human lives. And Topo Chico… how the bubbly brand has changed over recent years. That and more on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 10, 2016

No need to wait till the next legislative session, the bathroom wars of 2016 are on in Texas. We’ll explore… So the drug kingpin El Chapo gets moved to a lower security prison, just south of the Texas border. Now a Mexican judge gives the green light to extradition. Are you thinking what we are? Also..a shuffle in Saudi Arabia and what it might or might not mean for the price of Texas tea. And in a nation full of choices…why is it just red or blue when it comes to politics? A duopoly revisited and we’re just getting started. Those stories today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 27, 2016

A so called bathroom law in North Carolina and the blowback from the business community: could it happen here? We’ll explore. Also some say Dallas has gone to the dogs. Big D thinks its found just the ticket. Lots and lots of tickets, actually…we’ll explain. And 40 years ago, an accident on a Texas expressway changed how cities across the nation handle crises…but does shelter in place still make sense today? And Could you draw an outline of the state of Texas? Are you sure you know what that looks like? The state acquires some new maps that push the historic boundaries. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard: