the Alamo

Texas Extra: Billy Bob Thornton and ‘Landman’

Texas Standard had good reason to talk to Billy Bob. Though he’s from Arkansas, he’s lived in Texas on a couple of occasions – and he’s played some classic Texas roles: from Coach Gary Gaines in the film “Friday Night Lights” to Davy Crockett himself in the film “The Alamo.” Billy Bob Thornton has been an honorary Texan for decades. Now, he’s secured his 7th Golden Globe nomination with another soon-to-be-iconic Texas character: Tommy Norris in Taylor Sheridan’s new series “Landman.” This is an extended interview.

Lawmakers buy more time for Texas death row inmate Robert Roberson

After a series of extraordinary moves, the Texas Supreme Court issued a stay of execution for Robert Roberson, convicted in the 2002 shaking death of his child. He’s been subpoenaed to testify before a House committee next week. We’ll hear from Republican state Rep. Brian Harrison, who was instrumental in the last-minute temporary reprieve.

Why is the Texas Department of Transportation buying a Houston toll road? And what might it mean for the patchwork of toll roads run by third parties across the state?

And: The Alamo is welcoming visitors from around the world with a new offering – guided tours entirely in Spanish.