Stories from a Rock n Roll Heart

Lucinda Williams: “Stolen Moments”

If you’re a longtime lover of KUTX, then you know we couldn’t have made the trip of our first ten years without Lucinda Williams riding shotgun. Like car wheels on a gravel road, this Americana-country-folk-rock darling’s given our airwaves some extra Texas texture and, beginning with her 11th LP Where the Spirit Meets the Bone, has grown alongside us considerably over the past decade.

Yet along that proverbial gravel path that is life, Lucinda did recently run into a bit of a bump in the road. Shortly after squeezing out Good Souls Better Angels mere weeks into the global COVID-19 shutdown, Williams suffered a stroke. This would’ve been a reasonable career-ender for most approaching their seventies, but for Lucinda’s still got plenty of loose ends to tie up.

This Friday the triple Grammy-winner returns with her fifteenth full-length, Stories from a Rock n Roll Heart, an awesome encapsulation of Williams’ perseverant spirit and seasoned wisdom surrounding her craft. Lucinda Williams celebrates with an in-store performance 5PM next Monday at Waterloo Records hosted by KUTX’s Jody Denberg, where stories like “Stolen Moments” will enrich rather than rob our precious time.