Many people who move to the Lone Star State often ask “When am I a real Texan?” That was the inspiration for Typewriter Rodeo’s Jodi Egerton as she wrote this week’s poem.
Texas Standard: December 30, 2015
10 million, 50 million, do I hear 7 times that figure? Taxpayer dollars for state bonus checks, but where are the checks and balances? Plus- you thought Rick Perry had left politics? Think again. Jim Malewitz of the Texas Tribune reports on what’s drawn him back. And imagine Uber for gasoline…oops, someone beat cha to it. Also we take the wraps off our first ever Texas Freedom Index…and lots more. Its the national news show of Texas, the Texas Standard:
Live Long and Barbecue
You’ve probably heard by now that the World Health Organization has determined processed meats might be more problematic than previously thought. David Fruchter used that as inspiration for this week’s poem.
Tax Free Weekend
It’s already time to start buying school supplies – good thing Tax Free Weekend is coming up. That was the inspiration for this week’s Typewriter Rodeo poem by Karie Anne Roy.
Texas Road Trip!
Millions of Texans are hitting the roads this weekend for Memorial Day. Soon, it’ll be time for the Texas road trip – you know, where you drive ten hours and are STILL in Texas! That was the inspiration for this week’s Typewriter Rodeo poem by Sean Petrie.
The Texas Coast
Texas is big and the landscape is varied. One of the destinations getting a lot of attention this time of year is the Gulf Coast. That was Typewriter Rodeo’s Kari Anne Roy’s inspiration this week.
A Poem for Texas Independence Day
Monday, March 2 is Texas Independence Day – and the first day Texas Standard begins airing statewide! To celebrate, we asked Sean Petrie with Austin’s Typewriter Rodeo to pen a poem.