
We Might Oughtta Praise Texas Grammar

Those who didn’t grow up in Texas can have a lot of trouble with the way many Texans pronounce many place names. Think Gruene or Refugio. But commentator WF Strong noticed sumpin’ else — some Texans use words you pert near won’t hear in other parts of the country.

Texas Standard: June 15, 2021

A new warning from ERCOT urging Texans to conserve electricity. How prepared is the power grid for a long hot summer? After last winter’s deadly power outages, politicians promised changes to beef up the grid. But this weeks warning sends an ominous message about readiness as temps climb into the triple digits. We’ll have the latest. Plus, Houston’s plan to battle climate change with the help of solar panels. We’ll hear how that effort is going. And farmers say it’s not just sour grapes, but a serious concern over herbicides. Plus what’s being billed as the first scholarly book on the history of Juneteenth. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Conversations with Momma San (Ep. 10)

DaLyah talks sex, black, Southern identity, life advice for those 20-somethings and how to not get fired from Burger King with her own mom in this short bonus episode.

Dirty Computer (Ep. 9)

Alexandria Cunningham talks eroticism and black women on this week’s episode of Two&Fro. Cunningham is a graduate student in African and African Diaspora studies at the University of Texas in Austin. Her work focuses on Black Feminism, Black Sexual Politics, Fantasy and Eroticism, Sexual Economies, Hip-Hop, and Popular and Strip Club Culture. Nigerian American artist and native Texan Dawn Okoro also talks about her Punk Noir exhibit now on view at the George Washington Carver museum in Austin Texas.

Lemonade Anniversary Live Show Celebration (Ep. 8)

DaLyah and Jackie celebrate the two-year anniversary of Beyoncé’s visual album Lemonade with their first live show at the Tiny Texas Podcast Festival. They speak linguistics and Southern identity with Alexis McGee. McGee is a doctoral candidate in the University of Texas at San Antonio Department of English studying black feminist theory, black women’s language & rhetoric. Two&Fro also hosts their first live lip sync and “Who Bit Beyoncé” debate.

Endangered Words

We have many endangered species in the world. Among the better-known at-risk animals are snow leopards, Asian elephants and orangutans. In Texas, we have the gray wolf and ocelot as endangered animals, among others. Endangered reptiles here include the Texas indigo snake and the horned lizard.

But that’s not my focus today. That’s just a segue to talk about something else that’s on my mind, and that’s endangered words. They are words that, through lack of use, or through use seemingly restricted to the more senior of us Texans, run the risk of dying out when we do. Now “y’all” and “fixin’ to” and the like are safe. They have vast popularity. They have even been observed migrating up north. My endangered list is comprised of words that are becoming scarce and may disappear altogether, only to be seen caged up in old dictionaries in the future.

I want to make sure to clarify that I’m not claiming the following words are endangered for everyone. Many Texans still use them daily. I’m just claiming that they are becoming far less common than they once were.

Mosey is one such word. It used to be quite popular and still is used often among octogenarians. But you never see it or hear it venturing out among those under 40. Often when you do hear it from someone under 40, it is used in caricature.

Reckon is another word I reckon is headed for true scarcity in the next few decades. That would be a shame because it does have a wonderful place in the linguistic ecosystem. It fills a niche and is not easily replaced. One can say “I guess,” or “I suppose,” but neither have the beautiful contemplative nature of “I reckon,” when said with eyebrows raised and tipping your hat back. It is the pronouncement of agreement reluctantly concluded.

Supper. This used to be the dominant word for the evening meal. Dinner was at noon. But as we’ve become more urban, supper has been pushed out by dinner.

Ice house and ice box. Ice house used to be a common expression for running to the convenience store or making a beer run: “Gonna run over to the ice house a minute.” Ice box is a synonym for the fridge: “Martha, we got any Blue Bell in the ice box?”

Yonder. “It seems that yonder is most popular out yonder in the country.”

To make sure I was on the right track, I conducted a survey on the net and found a few more words folks agreed seemed to be endangered:

Britches refers to pants, of course: “Get your work britches on and let’s get goin’” Britches is still used among those over 60, but not so popular among the under 30 crowd.

Cattywampus for catty-cornered. Cattywampus is one word and catty-cornered is hyphenated. Both are spelled with two t’s and neither has anything to do with cats: “The flower shop is cattywampus to the Exxon station.”

Cotton pickin.’ “Just a cotton pickin’ minute!” There could be lots of reasons for this. Many Texans over 50 or so, have memories of pickin’ cotton. Even though combines mostly took over decades ago, the expression remains. “In high cotton,” too, hangs on. It means “having it easy.”

Dreckly – sometimes said “di-rectly” – has nothing to do with direction or going straight to something. It is about time and in Texas, has the meaning of manana in Spanish. “Yeah, I’ll be gettin’ to mowin’ that lawn dreckly,” which may well mean in a few hours when I “finish watchin’ the Astros play.”

Sam Hill. “What the Sam Hill is going on here?!” My father said it so often I thought Sam Hill was a relative I’d never met, but I hoped to. Seemed that he lived an exciting life. But it was just a euphemism for “hell.” It’s used in place of “What the hell is goin’ on here?!” and since I can now say hell on the radio, you can see why Sam Hill is endangered.

Fair to middlin’ is interesting. It’s fading away as a common expression but perhaps finding a second wind by means of its malaprop. Some Texans have taken to saying “fair to Midland,” which makes sense if you are driving from El Paso, or maybe from Abilene. Fair to Midland, rain in Odessa.

And some words that many people said they believed were dying out – and sadly so – were these:

Please and thank you.

I hope not. I’ll do what I can right now to help. Thank you for listening. Please stay tuned to The Texas Standard.

Eloquent Rage (Ep. 7)

The Crunk Professor Brittney Cooper talks about her new book “Eloquent Rage: A Black Feminist Discovers her Superpower.” Dr. Cooper is an Associate Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies at Rutgers University. She also co-founded the popular Crunk Feminist Collective blog. DaLyah also stops by the first SXSW Curly Girl Picnic event and talks to blogger and influencer Coco Bates about what it means to have a space for black women at the two-week festival.

Swangin’ and Bangin’ (Ep. 2)

The history of Southern Hip-hop and the women missing in it is discussed with Nasir Jones Hiphop Fellow Dr. Regina N. Bradley. Jackie and DaLyah also speak with up-and-coming Houston hip-hop artist Megan Thee Stallion.​​

Texas Standard: June 2, 2017

Climate agreement fallout. How Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris Agreement could affect Texas. Plus a deadly shootout in broad daylight at a North Texas car dealership, innocent people just feet away from two bounty hunters and their target. We’ll break down the role of the “fugitive recovery agent.” And it’s been more than 60 years since Brown versus Board of Education. Why the south is now seeing wide re-segregation of schools. Plus we’ve got the inside scoop on some books that will likely be topping must-read lists. Those stories and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard :

V&B – Jemima Code/The Secret Ingredient Launch

In this episode of Views and Brews we’ll tour over 100 years of southern cooking with Toni-Tipton Martin author of The Jemima Code: Two Centuries of African American Cookbooks! Join KUT’s Rebecca McInroy, along with food writers and hosts of KUT’s newest podcast The Secret Ingredient, Tom Philpott and Raj Patel, as we explore the rich social, political, and economic history of the south, through food.