Scared Money

Southall: “Scared Money”

If you’ve been itchin’ to catch some good ol’ fashioned Southern rock reminiscent of Sticky Fingers-era Stones or classic Lynyrd Skynyrd, but don’t feel like you’re getting what you need from the local scene, this weekend you’re in luck. And that’s because Stillwater, Oklahoma six-piece Southall‘s gonna be swinging through town.

Despite releasing records together for nearly a full decade now, it’s only been a couple years since the Read Southall Band adopted the abbreviated, mononymous handle we know ’em by today. Still, the sextet’s one of the strongest purveyors of the red dirt sound (which started in their home state) this generation has to offer. For most of this year, Southall’s been struttin’ the stuff off their eponymous full-length re-brand from last September across the country (and Western Europe) as part of the Get Busy Tour.

After several sporadic stops spread out over the Lone Star State, the Get Busy Tour finally brings Southall to Austin – 7:30PM this Friday at Scoot Inn. And because nothing in life is free, complement Scoot Inn’s cover charge by paying dues to Southall‘s centerpiece heavyweight “Scared Money”, a Skynyrd-esque testament to the pursuit of the almighty dollar and making an honest living – be it in the garage, working your farm, riding in a firetruck, or on the road playing tunes with your best buds.