
Texas Standard: March 26, 2020

We’ve asked listeners statewide what questions do you have about the Coronavirus. Today, we’re getting some answers. Dr. Fred Campbell of the Long school of Medicine at UT Health San Antonio takes on listener questions about COVID-19. Plus, attention shoppers. A certain statewide grocer on the front lines of this crisis asking for help from the public. And how high tech is trying to tackle COVID-19. Also, amid warnings about future lack of bed space, are Texas hospitals ready? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 14, 2019

Leaders of both the Texas senate and the house promising to hike teacher salaries so more will stay in the classroom. But how much money is enough? Also, to weather the government shutdown, the state steps in to help people who rely on what used to be known as food stamps. But experts warn of a hidden hit for grocers. We’ll hear about it. Plus a prominent Texas politician pitches his hat into the 2020 presidential race. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 11, 2019

Day 21 of a government shutdown. The end in sight? Short answer, no. But a freshman congressman from Texas remains optimistic. We’ll hear why. Also, you wanna build that wall Mr.Trump? Texas will get ‘er done. That appeared to be the message from Lt. Gov Dan Patrick when the president visited south Texas yesterday. Was that a serious suggestion? If so who pays for that and with what exactly? We’ll take a closer look. And a new space race of sorts: now its quantum computing. Plus the week in Texas politics and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: July 6, 2017

The US Russian divide used to be described as a cold war. Today, more evidence its become something more like a hostage crisis, we’ll have the story. Also a year ago this week: tragedy in downtown Dallas. 5 officers shot dead at an otherwise peaceful protest. What its like to be a cop in the Big D, one year later. And Raising eyebrows in the Texas oil industry, Volvo’s surprise announcement to go all electric: just how imminent is the death of the internal combustion engine? Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 18, 2017

What do Texans believe to be the number one issue facing the state and the nation? Some eyebrow raising findings in a new statewide survey, we’ll explore. Plus, one little word at the center of a new debate over evolution vs. creationism in Texas classrooms, we’ll explain. And apocalypse now? The great brick and mortar retail implosion has been predicted for more than a decade. Why analysts think the moment has arrived. And what’ll it take for a new commitment to space exploration? A new documentary shoots for the moon. Also truancy no longer a criminal offense in Texas, but now new charges for chronic class skippers. All that and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 26, 2016

Americans, they say, are turned off by political nastiness. So everyone watched last night expecting nuance? The politics of spectacle on today’s Texas Standard.

After the dust up in Houston last night, who’s paying attention to what’s at stake here for the democrats? We’ll hear how the Sanders and Clinton camps are taking two separate paths to Super Tuesday.

Also, Wall Street is buzzing right now over the rebound of an old line Texas retailer. But in the 21st century, does Penney’s make sense?

And, over the deep dark skies of West Texas researchers discover a new planet. And no it does not orbit around Austin.