
Texas Standard : June 8, 2020

What began as protests over George Floyd mark something larger: a shift in Texas and nationwide over the use of police power. A closer look today on the Texas Standard.

In cities in Texas, as elsewhere, demonstrations against the inequitable use of police force sparks calls for defunding and or dismantling police departments as we have known them. We’ll look at the use of police force in demonstrations across Texas and demands for change.

Also, the nexus of demonstrations and a global pandemic.

Plus a profile of the man whose killing sparked this historic moment.

Texas Standard: September 19, 2016

After nixing the Obama administration’s transgender bathroom directive, the battleground shifts to doctors and hospitals. Today on the Texas Standard.

Car 54 where are you? Perhaps by the side of the road. Why Houston police crusiers are struggling to stay in the fight.

But what happens when the road itself stalls out? The story of a big gamble on a superfast superhighway, and why it hasn’t paid off as promised.

Also, some say it’s the devil in disguise, as telemarketing in Texas embraces the “pay for pray” model.

Plus, tomorrow’s news today. Our waltz across Texas for the top stories for the week ahead.