
KUT Morning Newscast for December 12, 2024

Central Texas top stories for December 12, 2024. A lot coming from City Council today, starting with the vote on a roadmap for keeping electricity reliable and affordable into the future. Austin City Council is set to approve funding to continue operating the Marshalling Yard homeless shelter. Austin City Council will vote on designating 1500 East on 12th street as a City of Austin Landmark. Williamson County is preparing to launch a new office of death investigators.

Texas Standard: September 10, 2019

Midland-Odessa, El Paso, Santa Fe, Sutherland Springs… We’ll take a look at laws that may have helped prevent these mass shootings. Also, three Texas border cities are part of the Trump Administration’s so-called “remain in Mexico” program. But there’s some confusion in the rollout, we’ll explore. And a think tank with a focus on renewables says now is the time to say goodbye to natural gas. We’ll explain. Plus, lovesick crabs are being lured to their deaths at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. And an analysis of the Democratic plan to victory in Texas in 2020. All of that and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: May 17, 2019

Even after evidence of Russian attempts to hack U.S. politics, campaigns for 2020 are turning down cybersecurity help. Is that a smart move? We’ll take a look. Also, a new immigration reform plan. Todd Gillman of the Dallas Morning News tells us why Democrats say its dead on arrival. Plus, skyrocketing insulin prices? For a Texas congressman this one’s personal. Joaquin Castro tells us what he’s planning to do about it. And U.S. military veterans, more and more of them denied U.S. citizenship. We’ll hear what’s happening. Plus the week in politics with the Texas Tribune and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 5, 2019

As the president travels to the border, a democratic presidential candidate from Texas makes headlines with his pushback, we’ll have details. Also, is climate change accelerating the issue at our southern border? We’ll get the view from Guatemala. And what’s called the achievement gap in educational testing, and the attempt to close that gap for Texas kids. And a UT campus shuts down greek life altogether. Part of a trend? Also, Texas farmers hoping to cash in over the buzz surrounding CBD sales. Plus the week in texas politics and a whole lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 25, 2019

A male only military draft is unconstitutional says a federal court judge in Houston. Should women have to sign up for selective service? We’ll have the latest. Also, Texas is #1 in cases of a mystery polio-like illness striking children, according to last years numbers from the CDC. We’ll hear how TX doctors and parents are fighting back. And the price of gasoline spiking at the pumps: why’s this is happening at a time when oil production in west Texas is reaching record levels. We’ll take a look. Plus a fight over casino style games in Texas hits home for Native Americans. All of that and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: November 29, 2017

Midterms aren’t usually the most exciting elections, but there’s a whole lotta shakin goin on: political turnover our top story today. Also, more than 30 quakes this year in and around Pecos, more than all recorded there in the past ten years put together. We’ll ask why. Plus, the university of Texas, landing soon in New Mexico? Or maybe Texas A&M? Details of the forthcoming battle for Los Alamos and whether there’s a Rick Perry factor. And as the hurricane season draws to a close, voices from a storm more than a hundred years ago that forever changed the Lone Star State. That and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: November 17, 2017

It was introduced two weeks ago, and without a single hearing, it’s passed the house. Tax reform of some form seems likely, but at what cost?
The president’s plan for rebuilding America’s infrastructure: price tag? 1 trillion dollars. But who’s gonna pay for it? One expert says the answer should be obvious: China. And Texas could be at the center of it, we’ll hear why. Also, first do no harm, goes the maxim of medicine. But are med school costs hurting the profession itself? Why more prospective doctors are turning to Texas. And surviving a historic storm and emerging world champions, heroic enough for ya? The folks behind Superman and Batman come to Houston to talk superheroes. Those stories plus the week in politics and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 9, 2017

The Trump Administration released a wish list, or perhaps a demand sheet, for any deal to protect young undocumented immigrants. We’ll have the latest. Also at the top of the list in Trump’s seven page memo? The Border Wall. Plus, we invited the former US Surgeon General on to talk about an American epidemic…the affliction? Loneliness. And another, largely invisible dilemma…up to half the people killed by police in the U.S. have a disability. We look at the growing demand for police training in Texas. All that and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 28, 2017

They say it’ll help balance the budget, grow the economy, create more jobs, but what does it add up to for Texas? We’ll explore. Also after this week’s highly watched senate race in Alabama, what’s the take away for Texas? We’ll hear how that election could have shockwaves for the lone star state, and for one top congressman in particular. Plus Homeland Security will start gathering social media information for all immigrants, an effort sparked by the 2015 San Bernardino attack. But what’s the government looking for and does it make sense for security? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 26, 2017

Travis County’s Sheriff does a 180 after a ruling on Senate Bill 4. All ICE Detainers will be honored, but it’s not so simple. The status quo ante, the way things were before SB4. Is that what the court wants Texas to return to? We’ll try to sort out an opinion that’s left considerable confusion over the short term implementation of Texas’ so-called sanctuary cities bill. Also, remember the Texas Miracle? A piece in the New York times asks the question, Texas, you still feelin miraculous? And harvey sparks global interest in the concept of sponge cities. Like the suburbs, only extra absorbent. All that and a whole lot more on the national news show of Texas, the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 24, 2017

A vote on health care? Or something else? As republican leaders scramble for votes, what does it mean to be a republican? We’ll explore. Also, 15 percent of UT Austin women have been victims of rape according to the accidentally released details of a landmark study. We’ll hear about the survey and how the numbers got out. And prayer rooms in public schools: does Texas have a problem with that? Why a side of soy sauce might come with that next southwestern dish. James Brown with a dash of Jimi Hendrix? How Black Joe Louis is messing with Texas music is a very good way. Plus the week in politics and a whole lot more. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 21, 2017

Were they targeting the Texas capitol after all? Sworn testimony claims immigration officials wanted retribution, we’ll explore. Also after grilling the FBI director on Russian ties to Donald Trump, congressman Joaquin Castro tells us whether he sees evidence of collusion. Also …She might be the youngest unofficial lobbyist in Texas: her mission: convincing lawmakers to change a law she believes, sends innocent people to death row. We’ll hear her story. And this month’s reading recommendation from the editor in chief of Kirkus: a book the author doesn’t doesn’t want you to love. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard: