
The Gumbo SmackDown!

Confucius and Fresh cover both sides of the upcoming Gumbo SmackDown on October 26th through interviews with WWE Hall-of-Famer Mark Henry and Whip My Soul co-founders Antonio & Tia Echols. Hear that and an Unpopular Opinion on BET Hip-Hop Awards choice of venue in this episode.

Shxwnfresh in Studio 1A / Interview with Chey

Confucius and Fresh break away from the routine chatter for a two-part guest appearance: Shxwnfresh & THEBROSFRESH in Studio 1A ahead of a Stubb’s show on Friday, August 30th and an interview with Staten Island’s Chey. Hear all that plus an Unpopular Opinion on Heavy D this week.

Act II: Album of the Year? / Rappers in Politics

Will BeyoncĂ©’s upcoming Act II score the Queen her first “Album of the Year” Grammy? What role should rappers play in political discussions? And does Houston need to share more of its legacy with the rest of Texas’ hip-hop hubs? Find out what Confucius and Fresh have to say in this latest episode.