orca dork

Orca Dork: “Sleepy Pilot”

Time to dust off the ol’ Audiosurf game from your college days and get ready for your newest beat-driven meditation. Brother’s Franklin and Graham Pittman are Orca Dork, an Austin-based experimental instrumental duo who have spent the last ten years working on their debut, hip-hop inspired album Experiments With Found Objects. And yes, it can take a decade to properly pull-off an all-samples album: just ask the Avalanches.

“Sleepy Pilot” has a gorgeous, shimmery flow to its foundation, dotted with slightly distorted vocal clips from early film and television. Like the title implies, the song glides you across the astral plane at a moving-yet-meditative pace, so you can just sit back, engage the autopilot, and let it happen.

“Sleepy Pilot” is from Orca Dork’s debut album Experiments With Found Objects, out now.