Mikky & The Doom

Mikky & The Doom: “Garbage, USA”

In most situations, if you got it, flaunt it. But in an industry that demands infinitely more from your ears than from your eyes, if the hottest person on the planet doesn’t have the pipes to match their looks, they probably don’t have a shot at succeeding as a singer.

So let’s talk newcomer Mikky Rib and her Austin outfit Mikky & The Doom. A quick stroll through the band’s Instagram instantly tips you off that sex appeal is core to their brand. But with a proven ability to parrot the timbres of Amy Winehouse, Stevie Nicks, Gwen Stefani, and Lana Del Rey (all of which influence her own unique sound) in an uncanny way, their eponymous frontwoman can’t be written off as just eye candy.

This year Mikky & The Doom have been following a roadmap to their debut studio EP Garbage, USA. Produced entirely by our April 2018 Artist of the Month Mobley, this introduction explores low-light garage rock, hook-driven indie, and sex-positive electro-pop while lyrically relishing in all kinds of societal litter. There’ll be a few stops on the way before the album’s May 17th release date, including two more lead singles, a show 8PM next Thursday at The 13th Floor Alongside Jeremiah Jackson and Scotty B and The Hive, and an appearance at Hot Luck Fest on May 24th. Given that growing population for Garbage, USA, you’re just three drum stick clicks away from the record’s title track, because it’s anything but trash. An anarchistic, pyromaniac anthem, the catchy-as-hell “Garbage, USA” sounds like The Strokes woke up with a little extra dissonance in their system, heavily-processed instrumentation, pop-informed production, radio-ready brevity and all.