Mayor Stephen Adler

Texas Standard: March 21, 2018

With more than 500 federal state and local agents closing in, the Austin serial bomber blows himself up by the side of I-35. What we’re learning about the 24 year old behind a series of bomb attacks that gripped the state capitol city. We’ll speak with the mayor of Austin, Steve Adler on what might be some early takeaways from an incident unprecedented in the city’s history. Also, danger: the state’s credit rating may be primed to take a hit, the Texas comptroller joins us do discuss. Plus calls from republicans for Governor Abbot to show some humility? Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 28, 2017

Cities to lose federal dollars for hindering immigration, says the Justice Department. So what does Austin do now? We’ll ask the mayor. Also, want to live in the US? Get in line, or so say those who want stricter enforcement of immigration laws. But where is that line anyway?
We’ll go looking for it. And you’ve heard of the religious right. But now some are pointing to the rise of the religious left. We’ll hear what that means and whether it’s real. And the players know the score, the rhythm is familiar: adagio working up to allegro and a grand finale. You know we’re talking about the Texas legislature, right? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard: