Live TV

Texas Standard: August 27, 2015

American gun violence was shoved into our faces with the shooting of two reporters on live TV. What is the doing to our minds? A cognitive psychologist weights in on the emotional effect watching of the Virginia shooting. Also- morale in the Dallas police department…officers are leaving the force and response times are going up. Stuck in traffic, you’re not alone? We’ll get the latest research on time wasted in the car. Plus, the attack of the spider mites, mining coal on public lands, and a new wave of smartwatches.

Texas Standard: August 26, 2015

Two Virginia journalists shot dead during a live TV broadcast today, opening new conversations around violence and the media. We’ll speak with a journalism professor about the ethics of airing video of the shooting. Plus, the battle over the Alamo in 2015 -pitting the daughters of the republic of Texas against the general land office. Also, gas prices- why are they higher some places than others and how low could they go? And saving historic theaters in Texas, new landfill technology, and WF strong on austin’s moon towers. All that and more coming up on the Texas Standard: