
Texas Standard: July 4, 2019

There’s a long list of Democratic Presidential candidates. Two from Texas, but only one Texan is now among the top 5 candidates. We’ll have the story. Also, in this, the land of the free, how one man found true freedom even as he is behind bars. Plus how can camp create positive memories for children who are homeless? U.T. Dallas may have found a way, we’ll explore. And linguistics and Baseball. Excuse me, what? Don’t worry, we have a Texan Translation for you! And, scoot closer to the radio because we are about to talk scooters: the good, the bad and the ugly. That and more today on the Texas Standard:


Dockless scooters: like ’em or hate ’em, they’re everywhere these days, and are likely here to stay because tech companies refuse to stop “disrupting” the way we get around. While they can be fun for a quick whirl around town, they also go faster than some expect when they first hop on, which has led to many an accident. They’ve become such a problem that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention even announced the launch of a special study in Austin to evaluate the health risks of these two-wheeled menaces. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.