Lethal Injection

Texas Standard: August 15, 2018

Nebraska uses opioids to execute a condemned killer. We’ll take a look at what this might mean in America’s most active death penalty state. Also, a deadly bridge collapse in Italy and a stark reminder about infrastructure warnings closer to home. What’s being done? What’s the state of overpasses in Texas? You might be surprised by the answer. And much of rural Texas may be a book desert, but relief may be coming soon. Plus no fiery hail or frogs from the sky but crickets landing in biblical proportions in East Texas? We’ll hear what’s happening and why. And where’s Kinky? The return of the Texas offender and sometime gubernatorial candidate. Those stories and a whole lot more on today’s Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: June 29, 2015

With Texas running out of lethal injection doses, an important death penalty decision handed down from the nation’s highest court details today. Friday’s same sex marriage ruling, it’s not it’s not just about the nuptials. From inheritance rights to education we’ll explore some far reaching implications for Texans. Plus, gold plated guns and pet cheetahs–Mexican cartels get into the propaganda game. Also, discovering the future of music in your neighbor’s dining room. Plus actor Jason Schwartzman and much more, on the Texas Standard: