Karin Wilkins

Journalism and The Middle East

Join KUT’s Rebecca McInroy along with Lawrence Wright, staff writer for The New Yorker and author of “The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11,” and Jamal Khashoggi of The Washington Post, to talk about how identities, relationships, imaginations, and policies are shaped and understood through various media lenses, to illuminate what truths are hidden by the facts.

Special thanks for making this even possible go to The University of Texas Department of Middle Eastern Studies and Karin Wilkins.

V&B Extra: Lara Logan – Foreign Correspondence in The Middle East

In this special edition of Views & Brews, CBS & 60 Minutes reporter Lara Logan is joined by Director of the UT Center for Middle Eastern Studies Dr. Karin Wilkins, Assistant Director Chris Rose, and journalist Tracy Dahlby to discuss the current state of foreign correspondence in the Middle East, the Islamic State, modern reporting and its implications.