As members of the nonprofit Saber Guild, Addie and Ben Ruth share a love of lightsabers, Jedi robes, and lightsaber choreography.
Juan Garcia
This Is My Thing: Tattoos!
Dan Schumacher has been collecting tattoos on his person for over 40 years. In this episode of This Is My Thing, he tells us about his history with the art form, why he gets them, what they mean to him, and why they’re worth the pain.
Emiliano Rigoni Full Interview en Español
Vamos Verde host Juan Garcia and his sidekick Jimmy Maas talk with Austin FC winger Emiliano Rigoni about his Maté ritual, playing in some of the biggest leagues in Europe, and what its like to live away from his family.
Juan Garcia y Jimmy Maas hablan con el volante de Austin FC Emiliano Rigoni sobre como tomar Maté, como es jugar en las ligas mas grandes de Europa, y como se siente vivir tan lejos de su familia.