
Texas Standard: October 14, 2016

A blessing for Balmorhea? Not exactly…but it is an unlikely partnership and a potential model for fracking in Texas. We’ll explore. Also it’s hard enough to say who and who isn’t a real Texan…but what makes an American? We’ll explore an underlying question in our election season of discontent. Also honor flights for American heroes…but why so few women warriors on board? That’s changing with a takeoff from Texas. And remember San Angeles the fictional megalopolis from film? According to a demographers writing for Forbes: fasten your seat belts, Texas America’s next megalopolis is in the making as we speak…all that and then some today on the Texas Standard:

Best Town Names in Texas

Everyone knows the familiar Texas city names: Dallas, San Antonio, El Paso. But if you look closer, you’ll find that our state has more than a few interesting points on the map. That was the inspiration for Typewriter Rodeo’s Sean Petrie as he wrote this week’s poem.