
What can Texas teach California about dealing with homelessness?

As temperatures rise, so does gun violence. What does this mean for a Texas already struggling with climate change?

A new study on police response times in Texas’ biggest city and what it hints at for other departments elsewhere in the state.

Send in the clones – after Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter, are any of the alternates gaining traction?

California doesn’t often turn to Texas for policy tips, but more and more lawmakers from the Golden State are taking a closer look at how Texas cities are handling homelessness.

And a new book on the sitcom’s role in shifting attitudes toward the LGBTQ community.

Texas Standard: May 4, 2016

Cruz quits, Trump triumphs. But the headlines don’t say it all. Why the Texan’s defeat could mark the end of an era. Plus in a spate of hate crimes in Dallas’s best known gay district sparks a push to bring back the pink panthers. We’ll explain. Also jail for not paying traffic fines: does it violate the constitution? A policy in El Paso faces a legal challenge which could have implications across Texas. And an idea for homelessness: convert a military base into a super shelter? Those stories and lots more on the national news show of Texas: