Heart Attack

Cash Grab: “Heart Attack”

Imagine someone recognizes the absurd amount of anxiety abound in our world and offers you a piece of consolation. Doesn’t sound too bad, right? Well what if the entity extending said consolation was literally called Cash Grab? If it weren’t for the reassuring track record of Cash Grab frontman Eli Tidmore, I feel like more than a few red flags might pop up.

Fortunately, we’re not talking about Cryptocurrency or miracle dietary supplements; it’s just music, y’all. The Austin-based trio of Texas natives got together last summer and have since divided their energy between local gigs and studio time. Cash Grab minted their debut single last Friday, with the remaining supply of singles trickling into circulation later this year. And true to its title, “Heart Attack” palpitates with impressive punk rock prowess and will clear out your aural arteries in three minutes flat.