gun control

Texas Standard: July 12, 2018

Buzz builds around a charismatic democrat running for statewide office in Texas, bringing free media and money from Hollywood. Sound familiar? Beto O’Rourke has the sort of charm and charisma that’s drawn the attention of the national press corps, as new fundraising numbers show him leaving his rival, incumbent Ted Cruz in the dust. But is it moving the needle when it comes to winning over voters? We’ll take a closer look. And bag bans statewide have been sacked by the Texas Supreme Court, but that doesn’t mean you’ve got a right to a bag. How are retailers responding to changes in the law? Also the maker of plans for a 3d printed gun scores a court victory that could have ripple effects. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 23, 2018

It’s been more than half a year since harvey and is anyone testing the water near Houston? Some reporters just did, and what they’re finding is alarming, we’ll explore. Also, much is being made of why officials aren’t calling the Austin bomber a terrorist. We’ll hear an explanation. And after a church shooting that stunned the world, Texas offers grant money for recovery. How will the millions help Sutherland Springs. Also, the often overlooked coastal safe rooms that may have saved hundreds of Texans lives, plus the week in politics with the Texas Tribune and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: March 20, 2018

North of San Antonio, an explosion at a federal express facility raises new challenges in the investigation of Austin’s serial bomber. Also joining us, the head of the House Homeland Security Committee Texas congressman Michael McCaul on the federal response to the bomb attacks in the Texas capitol city. Also, is Mexico finally getting the upper hand on the drug cartels? We’ll explore some new developments that have put the question back on the table. And a pedestrian in Arizona killed by a self driving car: should we tap the brakes on the development of autonomous vehicles? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 16, 2018

Texas educators carry the dual burden of comforting students after yet another school shooting, and coming up with prevention plans. We’ll hear from some of them. Also, sales are flat or even falling in the motorcycle industry. We’ll break down why. And the Houston Astrodome will live on. After years of back and forth a real plan for it’s future, a look at the optimism and skepticism. Also, a new building on the University of Texas campus opens up to the public this weekend. We’ll take you inside what’s not a classroom or an athletic facility but a one-of-it’s-kind art masterpiece. The story behind it. And it’s Friday! That means the Typewriter Rodeo and a wrap up of the big stories this week in Texas Politics. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

V&B: Youth, Family & Firearms

KUT’s Rebecca McInroy is joined by Guardian columnist Gary Younge, author of “Another Day in The Death of America,” and journalist Alex Hannaford, to talk about the myths and the realities of gun deaths in the US, the media, and how we’ve come to see gun violence as normal.

Texas Standard: July 1, 2016

After Brexit and big decisions from the supreme court, remember the gun control sit in? now comes a Gun control redux, we’ll explore. Also seat’s upright and in a locked position? Good. Cuz there’s a shortage of pilots. We’ll hear how the industry hopes to pull out of a tailspin. And you’ve heard of the live music capitol, what about the stolen music gear capitol? Both are in Texas, but one may no longer live up to its billing, we’ll hear why. And No mas cerveza…the challenges facing sober Texans committed to their own kind of independence. Plus a review of politics with the Texas Tribune and more today on the Texas Standard:


In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the psychology behind both sides of America’s ongoing debate about firearms and gun control.

Texas Standard: January 7, 2016

The Texas trooper who pulled over Sandra Bland has been indicted…for perjury. It was one, simple sentence that got him in trouble. Plus how can you tell if someone is mentally healthy enough to buy and use a gun? Also, we’ll talk about the future of football and yes, virtual reality has a role here too. Plus, what Krispy Kreme and a Texas hospital chain have in common. All packed in to todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 4, 2015

Now it’s beginning to look a bit like a grudge match over Syrian Refugees- Despite a legal challenge to Syrian refugees, no let up from the Feds. You’ve no doubt heard that there’s been as many mass shootings as days in the year…are you so sure? We’ll do the numbers. And Californian’s used to brag about See’s Candies…is there a Texas corollary? There is and it just turned a hundred and thirty. We’ll get a taste if we’re lucky. And what some say is a way to improve education statewide. Here’s a hint: monkey bars might be involved. Those stories and lots more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 3, 2015

The shooting in San Bernardino: what’s it really about and what does it say about society? Are you so sure? Coming to conclusions, today on the Texas Standard. As the world follows the So Cal massacre, Texas goes to court against the Obama administration—the issue: Syrian refugees. And states across the nation are watching. Plus inventors: got an idea? Patent it? Then come to Texas to protect it. But where does this leave those who actually bring new ideas to life? The patent troll reconsidered. Also as oil prices drop, crime goes up…in some parts of Texas way up. Those stories and lots more on todays Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: October 12, 2015

Is it a mental health issue or a gun problem? Mass killings spark a move by the Texas senior senator to tighten the law. Following the money: when major events across Texas claim to have major economic impacts, do the numbers add up? Also, Houston known for its hip hop but it wasn’t always. One Texas writer says that one song in 2004 changed history. We’ll talk about it. Plus, who’s an immigrant and who’s an expat? And how do you tell the difference? Those stories and more on the national news show of Texas: