Grupo Fantasma

Musician pay for live shows in Austin hasn’t changed in 40 years. Here are some other ways they’ve found to make money with music.

Austin musicians are making the same amount of money per gig as they did in 1979. In the latest episode, we look at gig pay through the years and talk to musicians Greg Clifford and Beto Martinez about how they’ve found ways to make money from music that don’t involve playing live.

Drummer Greg Clifford is pictured in his home where he produces lo-fi music on Feb. 8, 2022, in Austin. Michael Minasi/KUTX
Musician and producer Beto Martinez is pictured in his home studio on Feb. 9, 2022, in Austin. Michael Minasi/KUTX


Song Confessional x Pause/Play

Today we’re presenting another KUT/KUTX  podcast Pause/Play – a podcast about live music, a global pandemic and what comes next. Live Music has returned to Austin, even as COVID cases continue to surge in Texas. Hear about three live music experiences from the perspective of a fan, three musicians and a promoter.

In this episode you’ll hear from: host Elizabeth McQueen stepping into the role of a fan, Greg Gonzalez bass player for Money Chicha & Grupo Fantasma, Tomar Williams from Tomar and the FC’s, Geoff Earle from Stiletto Feels, and Song Confessional co-host Walker Lukens.

The Return of Live Music Part 1

Live Music has returned to Austin, even as COVID cases continue to surge in Texas. Hear about three live music experiences from the perspective of a fan, three musicians and a promoter.

Listen to this episode of Pause/Play

In this episode you’ll hear from:
host Elizabeth McQueen stepping into the role of a fan
Greg Gonzalez, bass player for Money Chicha & Grupo Fantasma
Tomar Williams from Tomar and the FC’s
Geoff Earle from Stiletto Feels
Walker Lukens from Walker Lukens and the Sidearms. He’s also the co-host of the Song Confessional Podcast

Love and Lightstream
Central Machine Works 

Pause-Play: Episode 5

Listen on The Apple Podcasts AppSpotify

Listen to Songs from this Episode

Texas Standard: April 23, 2016

Lackland, Fort Bliss, Fort Hood, Carswell…if you had to, which bases would you close? The Pentagon says it’s time for some decisions. We’ll explore. Plus the youngest Texans are at the center of court fights over medicaid and school funding…we’ll have the latest. Also a tale of two cities as Dallas dismantles a homeless settlement: where are they to go? Plus would you want a job with Mark Cuban? You might wanna try shooting him an email. We’ll explain. Plus the story of how Prince tapped some Texans for his royal court. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard: