
Texas Standard: January 15, 2021

The November elections suggested it wouldn’t be business as usual at the state house, unless of course, lawmakers changed the rules, we’ll have details. Also, when republicans lost a key seat in the Texas senate, they lost their supermajority… a tool they’ve used to keep democrats from blocking their priorities. We’ll hear what a new rule change means for the status quo ante. And snow in Texas. Fun for kids, but farmers hope a harbinger of wetter and better days as they struggle with drought conditions. And the Latino voices of the pandemic in Texas. Those stories and more today on the Texas Standard:

Slow Down Summer

It is already almost August?! Didn’t summer just begin?! That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.

Texas Standard: May 29, 2019

If another Harvey sized storm hit the Texas coast, could the state’s economy weather the hit ? A warning to Texas officials about the need to do something to protect the Galveston bay before the next so called 500 year storm event, we’ll take a look. Also a plan to get teachers to transfer to low performing schools, how’s it going? Plus how is it that a small texas town of 400 people is bankrolling projects statewide? We’ll explore. And has Texas government debt really risen 40 percent in 5 years? Politifact checks the numbers and more today on the Texas Standard:

Government Shutdown

The ongoing partial government shutdown is causing frustration on both sides of the aisle and causing major problems in the lives of many. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.

Texas Standard: January 15, 2019

The nation’s first execution of 2019 is set for today. But it won’t happen. The Texas court of criminal appeals orders a second look at bite mark evidence used in a murder trial, we’ll have more. Also, the political committee behind the upset victory of democratic congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has a new objective: to topple a veteran congressman from Texas who’s a fellow democrat. We’ll hear why. Plus, is the shutdown saving the government money? An expert does the math and more today on the Texas Standard:


We might think that in order to keep order in our households, workplaces, or classrooms, that it’s important to hold people accountable for their negative behavior. However, what that can lead to is a playing field that allows for either nothing to happen or punishment. It is more important to focus on the behaviors we want to see continue, as opposed to giving energy to avoiding the negative.

Still a little confused? In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the psychology of accountability.

V&B: Sonny Rollins and The Art of Power (Part II)

Rabbi and Jazz Historian Neil Blumofe in conversation with Rebecca McInroy. Musical guests include Alex Coke, saxophone; Derrick Becker, trumpet; Sean Giddings, piano; Roscoe Beck, bass; Brannen Temple, drums.

How do we respond to uncertainty and a time of anxiety? By steeping ourselves in Rollins’ confidence and steadfastness, we bear witness to the commanding power of presence. Rollins remains a persuasive poet – as a saxophonist, improviser, and as an innovating voice, he possesses a sense of adventure in exploration and intention. He tells a compelling story of the jazz ancestors, inviting us to join with him, and we step resolutely forward together as we determine the next chapters to be written.


Texas Standard: February 9, 2018

A budget deal reached, but it took a while to get there and it’s STILL not a long-term fix. We’ll look at how Texas lawmakers voted. Also, suing the federal government: It’s not something that went out of fashion for Texas when Obama left office. Why the state continues to file lawsuits even with a Republican in the White House. And, tequila! A shortage could be on the horizon for the liquor that goes so well with Tex Mex. We’ll look at what’s going on in the industry that’s causing some crisis. And Texans may not be natural snow bunnies, but a few have still jumped to the highest levels of winter sports competition. We’ll tell you who to keep an eye out for in the Olympic action. Those stories plus the week in politics with the Texas Tribune, today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 18, 2018

The eyes of Texas are on Washington this hour and a federal shutdown looms, non essential services stopped. We’ll explore what that means for Texas. Plus, Governor Abbott’s kicked off his reelection campaign with a promise on property taxes. With more than a few challenging him for his seat, what can a governor really do? We’ll explore. And the wintry mix that shutdown several of Texas’ biggest cities, one of the weeks biggest stories, but how’s it been playing out down on the farm? There may be a bit of good news, for some Texas farmers and ranchers, we’ll hear why. And one of the most popular smartphone apps in the country right now, not available in Texas? Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: December 7, 2017

Should a gun license be treated like a drivers license? So one could carry anywhere in the US? The house green lights a landmark gun bill, we’ll have the latest. Also, he may not be a seasoned politician, but politics has long been part of his life. The son of a former governor becomes the second democrat in as many days to announce a challenge to Texas Governor Abbott. And a warning for parents using portable electronics as pacifiers: the digital playland’s not nearly as safe as some would have you believe. Plus a major Texas newspaper calls on Texas lawmakers to shutdown the government to force the issue of funding post hurricane Harvey. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 22, 2017

After Trump, after a special session, after Harvey—where does Texas go from here? From the biggest annual political event in the Lone Star State, this is the Texas Standard.

With the federal government in the hands of republicans, what kind of mark is Texas making on American politics right now?

This is the place to ask such questions: tonight’s the kickoff of the Texas Tribune festival–a weekend in the Texas capitol city devoted to all things Lone Star politics.

From what to do about interminable commutes to the role of Texas cities in climate change —and we assume, of course you can name the governor? We’ll try a little “on the street” test. We’ve got miles and miles to cover, we’re at Tribfest today on the Standard.

Texas Standard: July 12, 2017

As the US focuses on the tale of the emails, another big story may be getting buried. Will this week go down in history as the end of ISIS? We’ll explore. Also one of the most powerful players in the business world is buying up Texas companies: a multibillion dollar offer for Oncor, his latest move. Why’s the oracle of Omaha playing Texas hold em? We’ll explore. And we’ve all heard the arguments over immigration: a new report tries to settle the score when it comes to the costs, and benefits. Those stories and a lot more today on the Texas Standard:

Come and Gone

There’s a little more elbow room in the Texas capital city these days… with the university students gone and the legislature out of session… for now. That was the inspiration for this Typewriter Rodeo poem.


Inauguration Day is here, and that means change. We don’t know what’s next – but we rarely ever do. Whether you cheered or not, tomorrow is a new day, with new problems, new ideas, and new ways to be a part of your community.

Fake News

Did you hear the latest? Did you see that Tweet? They’re talking about it on cable news. We’re all getting a free car tomorrow!

Oh wait, maybe not.

Texas Standard: July 28, 2016

Hillary in Texas: who was that prime connection from the 70’s her husband name checked at the convention? We’ll explore the backstory. Also if you’re an attorney general, when is it ok to take a donation from the owner of a company your office is investigating? Plus you remember the line when you wish upon a STAAR? Keep wishing, test haters. Why talk of scrapping the annual student exam seemed to fail at the last minute. Corpus, Midland, Austin: is there life after Uber and Lyft? We’ll consider the alternatives in a high tech reality check plus the woman on a mission to restore a missing mission. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard:

What You Might Not Know About the Texas Constitution

If you want to hold public office in Texas, you have to believe in God. You cannot serve even as dog catcher – if it’s an elected office, you must believe in God.

Given the long history we have had of con artists, and scofflaws, carpetbaggers, and white-collar criminals holding public office around the state, this may seem hard to believe.

But it is right there in the Texas constitution. Plain as day.

Section 4 of the Texas Bill of Rights says that if you wish to hold elected office in Texas you must “acknowledge the existence of a Supreme Being.”

There is no requirement respecting any specific religion. Nothing says a person has to be Baptist or Catholic or Mormon, but it is clear, “No atheists need apply.”

And this would presumably rule out agnostics, too, since they are eternal doubters and could not, with confidence, say that they believe in a Supreme Being. This is just one of the unusual dimensions of the Texas Constitution that few people know about.

Texas protects individual rights more than most states.

In Texas, credit card companies cannot garnish your wages to collect on a bad debt.

Texas is exceptionally protective of debtors in bankruptcy cases, too – especially if you actually own anything worth losing.

If your house is paid for – even if it’s worth $2 million – you get to keep it. If your house sits on 200 acres in the country, you get to keep that. If you have a big, bad, fully decked out pick-up, and it’s paid for, you get to keep it.

Finally, you get to keep two firearms. I don’t know why. I suppose to help you protect your property from pesky bill collectors.

Most Texans seem to believe that Texas has a constitutional right to secede from the U.S. when it feels like it.

It does not. This is a myth.

However, Texas does have the right to divide itself into two, three, four or five states. The only advantage would be to give us 10 senators instead of two.

I don’t know what advantage that would be, since eight more senators would be about as useful as a bucket of water to a drowning man.

But Texas would not be Texas if it were divided. Such plans have actually been discussed.

According to the Handbook of Texas, one plan wanted to divide the state along the Colorado River, with the new territory south and west to be called Lincoln and the part north and east to be called Texas.

Another plan proposed dividing us into three states. These would be called Jefferson, Texas, and Matagorda.

None of these plans ever made it out of committee. I suppose the legislators knew that had the good people of Texas gotten wind of it, they would have gotten a long Texas rope, and strung them up from a live oak.

W.F. Strong is a Fulbright Scholar and professor of Culture and Communication at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. At Public Radio 88 FM in Harlingen, Texas, he’s the resident expert on Texas literature, Texas legends, Blue Bell Ice Cream, Whataburger (with cheese) and mesquite smoked brisket.

Texas Standard: November 9, 2015

Number 1 in growth, number two in size, and number 38 in integrity. A just released report card on government ethics and what it adds up to, we’ll explore. And file under high stakes- why Texas ranchers are worried about that massive Pacific trade deal… Hunting season’s just started, but a disease is proving far more deadly to deer populations…we’ll hear details… Also redefining the Texas family: as laws shift, some same sex couples considering adoption find themselves on shaky ground… And a decision on pot by the Mexican supreme court…could the hemispheric drug war go up in smoke? All of those stories and lots more on todays Texas Standard:


You know what they say about death and taxes… the approaching IRS deadline was Typewriter Rodeo’s Kari Anne Roy’s inspiration this week.