
Higher Ed: “Goodbyes” in Education

“Goodbye.” It’s a word that actually gets said a lot in education. Students are constantly changing teachers, classmates, subjects, and locations during their years in school. In this episode of KUT’s podcast Higher Ed, KUT’s Jennifer Stayton and Southwestern University President Dr. Ed Burger talk about saying goodbye and moving on in education. The end of a class, semester, school year, or entire degree program can be a very emotional time as students and teachers move on, knowing that exact same class with those exact same participants will never exist again. In this episode, Ed and Jennifer discuss the many “goodbyes” that happen along the path of formal education, and what Ed says is the greatest gift an educator can receive when a class ends. And listen on for a twist on the usual puzzler. To balance the sometimes sad topic of goodbyes, Ed and Jennifer share Math jokes courtesy of some funny 4th graders.

This episode was recorded on April 19, 2017.