Girl Scout

NASA mission sounds like a reality show, but it’s gathering data for a Mars journey

One of the state’s biggest counties is looking for a new top election official amid friction over the difficulty of running non-partisan elections. With early voting underway in races statewide, why the resignation of the top elections official in Tarrant County has special resonance.

A closer look at claims of Republican voter suppression in Harris County: how does the narrative square with the data?

In parts of rural Texas, growing opposition to solar and wind farms, where Texas has taken a lead.

And a virtual mission to Mars, in a hangar south of Houston? Four people, one year, and little contact with the outside world.

Texas Standard: May 23, 2022

Plans to lift Title 42 at the border today are now on hold. We’ll look at what this means for the future of immigration and deportations. Other stories we’re tracking: how the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York is resonating in El Paso, the site of a racist shooting at a Wal Mart three years ago. Also what a political runoff in South Texas tells us about an intra-party ideological battle among Texas Democrats. And more than a year ago, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality announced a social justice initiative. So what’s happened since, and what hasn’t? And a new film that puts a more human face on a larger than life Texas baseball legend. All that and more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 10, 2016

Within its boundaries, its big red. But in the Presidential race, it may be all about the blues. The lone star factor in 2016, we’ll explore. Also when it comes to the latino vote in Texas in 2016, which party benefits most? Are you sure about that? Plus, cookie wars. why some might not be buying what girl scouts are selling this year. Also an experiment in children’s health care: take two of these and Skype me in the morning. And before there was Facebook, the place small town texans would gather. Hint: you might find a blizzard there. Those stories and much more on todays Texas Standard: