
Texas Standard: April 24, 2019

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of sex. But what about sexual orientation? We’ll take a closer look at the Supreme Court’s decision to hear a trio of cases with the potential of expanding gay lesbian and transgender rights. Also, 3 scientists being fired amid espionage fears at Houston’s prestigious M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. And we’ve been hearing about Central American migrants at the border: a surprising number waiting in Ciudad Juárez are coming in from Cuba. Those stories and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: September 22, 2015

A Texas woman arrested for espionage in China, just hours before a US visit by China’s President. Is there a connection? That story today on the Texas Standard.
Could the Papal visit be a factor in a Texas capitol murder sentence? Also head injuries in high school football- the law says no play until a doctors okay. But what are players really getting? And the price of saying bye bye to Fido and friends…
Those stories and much more today on the Texas Standard.