KUT’s Rebecca McInroy hosts the eminent economist James K. Galbraith, and retired U.S. Army Intelligence Officer, historian, and author of JFK and Vietnam, Dr. John Newman. What was Oswald’s relationship with the CIA? What role did Eisenhower play in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? And what do we know and still need to know about this moment in our nation’s dark past?
Texas Standard: November 11, 2015
Shades of the sixties- protests on campus -a university president forced out… But has a crackdown on hate speech taken it too far? Possible lessons for Texas from the Missouri shakeup: reconsidering the power of college football players. Also, a mass repatriation of undocumented immigrants—unrealistic? Last night in the debates the republican front runner said: it worked for Eisenhower…We’ll do a reality check. Also Governor Abbott’s disappointed the only state purchasing more guns than Texas is California…come again? All of those stories and much more on today’s Texas Standard: