Join KUT’s Rebecca McInroy along with KUT’s senior producer Michael Lee, Composer Sam Lipman, and sound designer Carolina Perez, to talk about editing sound for picture or podcast, the ethics of production, and how to build on powerful stories using sound.
Last week’s conversation on editing left us thinking, maybe one reason why people are hesitant to edit their work is that they might be seen as going back on their ideas, or flip-flopping.
In this week’s edition of Two Guys on Your Head Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about why flip-flopping is seen as a negative thing, and how re-framing it could help you do better work and overcome your fear of changing your mind.
When we’re just starting out as writers or artists it can be hard for us to go back to the drawing board after we’ve composed the first draft. But why is it easier to be willing to edit after years of experience?
In this edition of Two Guys on Your Head, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke talk about the psychology of editing.