
Texas Standard: December 27, 2021

As COVID-19 cases soar in Texas, we look at where Texas stands in the pandemic fight and what more we can do in the holiday season. Texas health experts weigh in on what’s happening with the rapid spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant. Also what 2021 tells us about 2022 when it comes to Texas’ role as the world’s energy capitol. And inflation putting a pinch on many households. How much is this like the crisis of the 70’s? Perhaps less than one might think. Economist Ray Perryman weighs in. Plus the modern-day revival of an underground comics classic, one with a distinctly Texas accent. The freak Brothers backstory and much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: February 25, 2019

A male only military draft is unconstitutional says a federal court judge in Houston. Should women have to sign up for selective service? We’ll have the latest. Also, Texas is #1 in cases of a mystery polio-like illness striking children, according to last years numbers from the CDC. We’ll hear how TX doctors and parents are fighting back. And the price of gasoline spiking at the pumps: why’s this is happening at a time when oil production in west Texas is reaching record levels. We’ll take a look. Plus a fight over casino style games in Texas hits home for Native Americans. All of that and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: April 27, 2018

Can the Governor force a disgraced ex Congressman to compensate taxpayers for the costs of a special election to replace him? We’ll explore your questions. Also, the National Rifle Association is coming to Dallas for its national convention next week. A writer for the Dallas Morning News says its coming full circle in a sense, since two texans turned it into the group it is today. We’ll hear how and why. Plus, an idea to get more future teachers to turn their sights to rural Texas. And an unlikely pick from an unlikely place: football’s Cinderella story from San Antonio. Also, the man convicted of murder who’s helping the wrongly accused get of jail. Those stories and so much more today on the Texas Standard:

Texas Standard: January 29, 2016

Equal Rights. Equal Obligations? A rite of passage for men may become a legal requirement for young women, too. Details today on the Texas Standard. Efforts are underway to remove a last vestige of sexism in the military. Not all women are thrilled about it, however. We’ll explore. Also Is growth is Texas making economic segregation worse…how one texas community may have found a solution. Plus lariats and laureates: lassoing the allure of cowboy poetry. Those stories and lots more today on the Texas Standard: